Hmmmmm........ support wise is a very sticky question, in SG, especially on this particular topic.
Ok, the common practise out there is that there are NO real warranty to cover the speaker cones. Meaning when you purchase it, and first setup and test that everything is fine, I think is the ONLY warranty that you will have. So as long as the speaker works, that's it.
This is because, the dealer cannot govern how you use the speakers. If you blast it upon first use, or mismatch the amplifier, the speaker blown is your own fault. I think this is a universal practise. (these incident actually happens more than we would like to acknowledge, most users won't know how to match in the first place)
So most of the time, buyer prefer to stick to the dealer's package or reccomendation.
The more important question would be: "Will I be able to fix my broken stuffs when it happens, and if there is ready spare parts available?"
This will depend largely on how established the dealer is. But sometime large dealers also have ex-stock problems too. Branded stuffs will always carry its price, even in repair, so always be cash prepared. I think more to luck on this, and how resourceful you are.
So my most important advise is this. Have a good knowledge on whatever you are using currently. Use it safely, do not overdrive, add more when more power is needed. Have a replacement plan, so your old stuffs can retire when it's time is nearly over. Be resourceful, know your dealer, repairman and even 2nd hand dealer to take your old stuffs.
It's best not to hold on to things you don't need or used anymore, clear it cheaply better than incurr space, and further deterioration and depreciation.
More often renting things which are rarely used is the best choice. I have seen more often than not, people buying things they only use once in a blue moon, end up unusable only after 2-3 times, due to non-maintainence, and lengthy storage. It's just not efficient.