Speaker Cabinet Impedence


New member
Pardon my lack of knowledge, but is there any mods to increase the versatility of your speaker cabinet by expanding the number impedance rating plugs, from say 16 ohms, to add in another 2 plugs for the other different ratings?

Been googling, but haven't seem to hit anything as of yet (hit a few on how to create stereo by rewiring a 2x12 to work like two 1x12 so as to achieve stereo effect within a single cabinet (interesting read though).

yup... add a talent plug while your are at it ;)

With a 2x12 you got two options:
1) Both Speakers in series = 16ohm
2) Both Speakers in parallel = 4ohm
You got a choice of 8ohm or 16ohm speakers....

The head impedance output is dependant on the output transformer ....i would not suggest mods !

You can split a single 8 ohm output and it becomes parallel 4 ohm each,if both in use.
haha... cool... understand it better with the diagram. that means i need another 8ohm cab if i wanna buy a head with only a 8ohm out? sad for my 1x12 16ohm input cab... i need more room... haha...
More wiring questions...

Riding on this thread, in a 2x12, is there a way to keep the overall resistance of a cab the same be it in stereo or mono mode? As in keep a cab 8ohms with 2 8ohm speakers, while being able to use both speakers individually or together.

2 x 16ohm speakers in mono will give 8ohms overall, and 2 x 8ohms speakers in mono with give 4ohms. Haven't seen this done, is it possible to, say, wire the 2 x 8ohm speakers in series (for 16ohms) for mono operation, and wire in a 16ohm load/resistor in parallel to make the overall resistance 8ohms? And yet retain stereo capabilities for use of 2 heads? In practice, would a cab wired like that short 2 heads used in stereo mode (because of the wiring link for mono mode)?