Sp Students - Jamming Cca

any SP students into heavy/death metal and old school rock and plays the bass or vox, please feel free to PM me or contact me at 91443884 . im forming a heavy metal / old school rock band and if our lineup is good , we'll be moving to melodic death such as arch enemy and children of bodom . for now is iron maiden , metallica , gnr , black sabbath and stuffs. thank u !forgot to add, we'll be moving to originals ASAP . and also go for gigs. the ultimate dream is to see ppl moshing to our music ! =)
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hahha eh i also want to post an ad!!!

ANY SP DRUMMER!!! my band needs a drummer! we're all year 2. into more alternative punk indie whatever shit you call it. maybe you heard us play in the Freshmen Party. my band name is ALTARYA. so maybe you can drop me a pm then we can work something out. we are mostly working on originals.

must have at least have some sort of decent drum playing ability instead of just wacking crashes and toms.
Haha. I cant wait to see how this turns out.

Like what you guys discussed, yea, SP has a rather non-rock and roll view on gigs; or rather the SAS, as what I'm told. Although I do enjoy classical, it is just right IMO to rock out at proper gigs. (Imagine the SP bazaar with live orchestra playing Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto) It will be cool, but rather inappropriate.

I myself have experienced this "discrimination against rock music". Firstly, with the explicit categorization of everything that's not classical as "pop music".

Anyway, just to share, if you guys attended a certain gig I played last year, the club president reminded me many times (till we're sick of it) that we're to tone down the distortion. I was "kind" enough to go from Muse's Starlight to Weezer's Island in the Sun. (also partly because I had a little sore throat)

As it was raining that day, I had a feeling that the show will be cancelled. So, during the soundcheck, I maxed my distortion and played Rage against the Machine's Maggie's Farm riff right after finishing our song as I feel that it's our final time performing for that gig. No surprises, the PA cut off the sound. Haha. But it was fun. Anyway, the show was a screwup and our performance got cancelled.

Hopefully, things will work out well in SP Jammers!

Change everything you are and everything you were!
Our hard times are ahead!
We'll use this chance to be heard! Your time is now!

Keep the names coming guys!

hello everyone. my friend is setting up a jammng cca so we need your support ( you as in SP students and those who talk and should do some action)

here's her pitch.

a group of friends and i are proposing to set up a new club, SP JAMMERS. The objective of the club is to function as a hub for aspiring band musicians.


- To encourage freedom of expression through music, regardless of musical background or interest.

- To encourage formation of bands and flexibility of its members

- To create a platform for musical experimentation and learning

i'm starting the club at the request of the SAA =)



thanks for reading!!!

its been a long wait..and sidetrack abit,i cant believe i didnt get into guitar club..i can play better than many of the interview-ees..i think its because i told them i played metal..wtheck..
yea it got through. we're now discussing the budget needed and settling the admin stuff. will keep you guys posted yea!!!

sidetrack. ANY DRUMMERS?!
they ask me to tell them abt my self, what kind of music i play..and what do i know abt there club and why i want to join and asked us to play something...thats it..
wow can't believe they agreed.haha
anyway i can do vox/acoustic,any sp ppl wanna just jam and have fun?
since we have jamming studios in our sch haha
count me in man...
Ders / DMAT / 91500724 / 2 / 0742751

I have to say... the stage Equipment that SP has is really just Urrggghh...
ZEL... I'm interested in helping in the Org of the GIGs...
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yeah but SP isnt very generous with they're funding , unless you count the 500k the blew on ice cream and lolipops to attract students to the school
waa rich boy lah zac...haha...hmm i tink we would just need loads of amps and some drumkits cause most of us would prefer usign our own instruments..
impt to get a double pedal bass drum...cos seeing the number of metal heas here it is really a need...haha rock on cant wait for the first cca day...maybe we shld have the first few days as meeting/training for the noober ppl (aka me) to parasite the skills of the better players!!!!(and i can finally learn to sweep!!)haha and the other instrument players can learn as well..then we can split ourselves into genres and maybe even bands...that would be cool...but if you already have a plan in mind den ignore me haha...just my suggestion =)