Songwriting sub-forum


New member

Was thinking a dedicated songwriting sub forum would be great, comprising of lyrics writing, music composition and theory discussion. I mean, we have Open Mic for everyone to post their music, but it seems to me like a discussion of the above is quite sparse.

Right now it's all spread amongst the different instrument sections, was thinking a more holistic approach.. after all, we're all here to make music together aren't we? Who knows.. we may even come a little closer to finding out what exactly the unique Singaporean sound is....... hahaah, nah I'm just kidding.. it's your own style that counts =)

I myself would be interested in seeing the stuff you guys and girls can share on the topic, and share as well (as much as a scatterbrained jack of all trades can anyways)

was thnking abt this too.. but how long can it sustain is the problem cos alot here are gear hobbyists, not many songwriters... but if it does starts I don mind sharing... i'm a songwritting enthusiast myself
It's will great for non gear junkies like myself!!

Most of the forums quite technical leh....but I thot this site shld be abt music in general.
you guys can start posting in the kopi-tiam first. once there are enough threads/post, i will create the sub-forum.
You can start a thread discussing your composition. Once we have alot of these threads, I will then create a sub-forum and move them all in there. Good?