Song from NDP 2007


Staff member
Anyone heard the new song for NDP 2007?

There are 2 songs this year.

There's No Place I'd Rather Be
Singer: Kit Chan
Music & Lyrics: Jimmy Ye

Will You
Singers: Jadani Sridhar, Asha Edmund, Emma Yong, Lily Ann Rahmat, Jai
Wahab, Shabir Mohammed, Sebastian Tan, Gani Karim
Music & Lyrics by: Jimmy Ye

Personally, i feel that the songs does not give me that 'national day' feel. Past fav were those "Stand Up for Singapore", "Count on Me Singapore", to the newer "HOME".

Do check out the new songs at
Hear hear....gone were those songs with anthemic feel like Count On Me Singapore (my personal favourite). Now it seems like they are trying to go pop, which I feel do not really convey the National Day Spirit.
either that or they are reaching out to the current generation of youth who doesn't give a hoot about these songs...
hey this year's ndp concept would be different(some sort i guess). im there at the platform every saturday for rehersals and from the looks of it, it's getting pretty intresting.
and musically, this year's ndp music some how links and flows from the first song to the last, and to add the patriotic touch to the songs, every song has subtle tunes of the national anthem in them. listen to kit chan's "there's no place i'd rather be" carefully, you might just hear it.

edit: the preview of the song on the web apparently is the cut version, guess you guys have to hear it on the actual day :roll:

maybe countless breifings, rehersals, over worked + under paid days has made me mad. but im still excited for ndp 2007 :lol:
I personally like "Home" ...fell in love with the song when I 1st performed it 3 years ago at the Multi Racial Harmony Nite show.

Makes me feel like doing a "Singapore" song for powerjam ? :lol:
Any one ever heard of SINGAPORE BY NIGHT by E Gana and rec by Iskandar Ismail with Gerard Keasbury on vocals? Sha Tahir on guitar if Im not mistaken. It's a rocker...
Those anthemic songs from the past still remains somewhere in our hearts. Really!
In my school, when National Day draws nearer, everyone starts singing 'Count On Me, Singapore', 'Stand up for Singapore' and so on. We don't remember those popish tunes.
When we say some words related to those anthemic song, people start bursting out into that song.

I think the 'There's No Place I'd Rather Be' sounds like a song one would hear in a musical. I don't know why. Maybe cause I'm heavily involved in some musical thing this year. But really! It's got the feeeeel.

"Will you write us grand new stories, songs everyone can feel?"
James, just saw the first song you mentioned being aired last night. My personal view is that it feels like a 'cut-n-paste' kind of song, with parts giving you that dejavu feeling instantly. Also there is no exciting feeling tied to it, like just doing it for the sake of doing it.

Actually in recent years, I feel the fundamental essense of songs are no longer the emphasis. It's all just technicality nowasaday. I mean, everyone is only interested in showing off their vocal techniques, and snazzy arrangements. If it's there, I can't feel the feeling. have another good point there. The nature of all those songs we grew up with ie Count On Me Singapore, Stand Up For Singapore, We Are Singapore is easy to sing for the masses. Perhaps that's why it adds to the anthemic feel. Nowadays, the national day songs does exhibit some requirement in vocal ability to sing.
they have national song writing competitions rite? lets see who's the 1st softie to write an SG song
regarding "There's No Place I'd Rather Be", Jimmy wanted to write a National Day song that doesn't contain the word "Singapore" at all. ever wondered how all the national songs have the word "Singapore" in it? so yeah. In this song, he mentions all other countries except for Singapore. i thought it was rather well done. heheh.

but oh well, he's my lecturer. of course i think it's well done. and no, i'm not biased. :lol:
actually, having national songs is good. when you travel to other countries. you hang out with the locals. after a few drinks, they start singing their folk/national songs. singaporeans should be able to 'showcase' a few. :partyman: