somethingoodREALLYgood 2008! -- 14 June

oh well, thats singapore.

if only kids nowdays are more tougher to break..

to address this once and for all and to stop the thread from going off-topic:

when there is an injury involved, questions will be asked e.g. did the person(s) in charge take the necessary security measures, and if so were they enough? you see reports in newspapers about SAF training incidents and investigations into whether instructors/conducting/safety offrs took the necessary steps to prevent injuries from happening.

same thing goes for shows as stipulated by the licensing agreements with the MDA. even if the person being treated for injuries does not press charges, the MDA will still look at the matter and see if the organiser was executing his/her duties to the fullest. they are required by law to provide and take adequate security measures.

if every member of the audience signs an agreement waiving their rights to take the organiser to court over any injury (and the dgo puts up a sign saying don't come within 50m if you don't want to get hurt like you said), said dgo is still responsible to the government body to prevent any injury to the fullest of their ability. the police are also informed of every (legal) show that happens - you have to apply for the necessary licenses if you want to hold any sort of event.

and that is why you had the unbelievably tight security at baybeats several years back. look at what happened when they relaxed- people got sent to the hospital. it's not that the esplanade wants to ruin your fun; it's because you end up ruining the fun for yourselves when people don't know how to exercise self-control. that's why you see bands like PS and AVA always asking you to take care of yourselves, because if shit happens and the police come, the show will stop. no offense intended- you may think that most of you guys are nice (and lots of people are), but it doesn't take too many people looking for trouble to turn a nice pit into a bad one.
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i strongly agree with you,jbarker.
if you want to have fun,you have to look after one another right?
heh, truth be told, i stop entering the pit ever since clueless kids started making a mess if things. nowadays im wathing from afar laughing at those clueless kids getting mashed..

i dont know what is it, but this sort of kids never did showed up in indoor gig..

hmm and PS this time?
i guess no fun for those clueless kids...
final post for me here.
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Moshing is fun when we take care of each other in the pit.:D

Anyway so sorry if my photos are lousy or low quality,I was having a problem with the security guy when shooting photos.So I went up the stage to shoot without a crew pass,in another words,I went up stage illegally and got chased down several times.Think about 4 times?I lose count..maybe more.

A big sorry to everyone out there also due to me not shooting plain sunset because my camera died at that time when plain sunset played.It always happens during gigs and my camera is worth to be run over by a truck.
definately true,moshing is fun when you watch out for others.
well,if you've notice that the other day there were some amateur,stupid mats moshing and it almost resulted to a fight.they are the clueless kids.
THANK GOD hazoo for that.

i was refering to them actually.
and its because of these people, that injuries occurs in the first place..

like i said in my previous post. normally, most of us are really nice people...

i just realised i said final post on my previous post.
damn, i cant resist punching in another entry after what hazoo said.
definately true,moshing is fun when you watch out for others.
well,if you've notice that the other day there were some amateur,stupid mats moshing and it almost resulted to a fight.they are the clueless kids.

Ya durin fishtank set rite?But whatever is it,paid gigs like deafcons,fasten your seatbelts had the best moshpits.:DEspecially the deafcons gigs,the people take care of each other in the pit,and everyone had fun.Sadly,free gigs always had this kind of fighting bullshit:(
Plainsunset will play PictureHouse at 7pm this Saturday.

Its the HMV show that will be 3pm that has just been rescheduled to the 6th July.
A G R E E D .

and that is why you had the unbelievably tight security at baybeats several years back. look at what happened when they relaxed- people got sent to the hospital. it's not that the esplanade wants to ruin your fun; it's because you end up ruining the fun for yourselves when people don't know how to exercise self-control.

Totally agreed man. I think there was a fight that day. I didn't see it personally but a friend of mine witnessed it though.

There's a difference between friendly moshing and violence. People who go to gigs to fight really should get some counseling/lobotomy done/arrested. Its hard to organise a gig already as it is. Headaches like these only put potential organisers off from coming up with future events.

And the whole paid vs free issue. It really is true that there's less of this kind of nonsense at paid gigs. Its as if:

1. Fight-prone people are too poor/cheap to spend $ for gigs
2. They're too scared to get kicked out

Both are non-issues for them at free gigs, coz if the organisers/police do stop the gig, these jokers just laugh and walk away like the #&$@s that they are.

Sorry to sound so aggressive, its just that the scene is already very fragile as it is. We need to support/encourage one another, NOT kick each others' asses about.

(Struggling bands + limited gigs + tough govt measures if things get worst = BAD)
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Another thing,

I was told by this balck shirt guy don't know how many times to ask me get off the stage to shoot photos.

I think the whole issue with gig photography was discussed on another thread sometime back.

If "black shirt guy" was part of the organiser team, you definitely should have got off the stage. Its his event, he/they set the rules. If something like what you experienced happened at venues with stricter policies, they'd have done worst. (eg, Zouk has a no-DSLR policy unless you have media pass)

Even if the guy was just an audience member, you probably should have got off the stage too, or at least make a huge effort to be more discreet. The thing is, the audience has put in the effort to come down to the venue. They therefore deserve their right to enjoy their show.

No offense to Donaldsps bro, but as photographers at gigs, our job is to capture the special moments AND try to our very best effort not to interrupt or interfere with the audience's enjoyment of the show. Its tough to balance between the two, and I know for sure I myself am guilty of accidentally blocking/annoying people (apologies), but I try my best to not do that, and always apologise/ask if I could squeeze in to a spot for a shot. If they say NO, then no loh. There's always another gig to rockout to.

Long story short, the bands are there for the crowd. The crowd's there for the bands. Photographers should make themselves "invisible" as much as possible.