something like garageband


New member
hey there,

need some help, is there any program that sort of works like garageband works?

im on windows interface and wld like something in the likes of garageband.

thanks a lot.
Audacity. But it's definitely not as user friendly as GB. N-track too, but I prefer Audacity over n-track. N-track can be unstable at times.

Neither should be too difficult to use.
do they have drum and bass tracks that can be programmed?

im using adobo audition for recording. but i dont rmb audacity having drum and bass tracks...
Nope, I don't think there is. There's a click track on Audacity, that's about it.

If you need drum & bass tracks, you might want to do it on GuitarPro, convert both tracks separately into midi, then import them in.
yeah same here...i wanna know good progs that can do similar functions to GB...drums and bass...and such..
teraslasch said:
t h e r e i s a l w a y s f r i e n d l y v e r s i o n s . . .

When you become a rock star, let me know... I'll distribute the 'friendly version' of your album and please share with us how you feel when that happened
^ haha!

well,i just tried using Audacity,its quite easy to use,but no drums or keyboards backing track or something like that.
tera, careful friend! You're the one of the last person I thought would post something like this! Not from somebody who has come up with an album!
how about Screenblast ACID?It has decent amounts of drum and bass tracks(if thats what your looking for),and its not only drum and bass it has loads of instruments and their not really midi from what i used. i find it really easy to use too. Eg. panning, changing pitch with the tracks,etc. Really lovely software IMO
well he asked for solutions and one of it was that :( .. ok bad idea.
btw, i think even if i became super famous or wad, i wouldnt mind ppl sharing my music. If it wasnt sharing in the first place, how would u get famous (my theory). anyway, in this world, friendliness is unavoidable, and its one of the ways many things are spread faster without the boundaries of wealth (another theory of mine) .. sry if i have offended anyone with my wierd logics :lol:
btw, regarding softwares, you should buy the unfriendly ones after using approachable versions.
again, i don think anyone here is friendly free, if u are, u must be a darnn rich kid.. u gotta admit, no one is absolutely friendly free.
aiyah, tera, not again another discussion on piracy!!! We've been there before in SOFT! It didn't turn out good at all. Do know that there are people here who use only original stuffs, not because they are rich (many are NOT), but because of principles. I better not say more - just do a search!

As for sharing music, it's one thing to just "share your music". There's another way to "share" it the "friendly way": somebody takes a chunk of music off your own composition, change it a little, give it another name, and puts his name as the composer, then sell it as his own music. That's also "frendly" sharing. Or, somebody takes your music without even editing, and uses it wherever he likes, and uses his name as the composer. We composers are very wary of this kind of "sharing", and that's why we protect our own songs with copyright. Not that we want to earn royalties, but we want to protect what belongs to us. So I would think composers of all people should understand this concept and hold on to this principle.

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