well, a small part of the headstock chipped off. it's like this small part of wood came off n a corner is like smashed. nothing extremely serious lar.
really appreciate all the help, guys.[/img]
is that a LP? part of the binding is out from what i can see, no idea whether that would have an adverse effect on the construction.
Looks like a chip. Do you have the part that is sheared of? You kinda sheared off the headstock binding. I don't think it will affect your tone in anyway however.
yea, its a LP copy n i still have the piece. is there like a place i can send it for repair? any idea how much it'll cost? btw, i really appreciate all the help.
no idea what you can do about that, you can try contacting a luthier. either GC or Malcolm would do a good work.
... he's talking about the shop i guess? hahah i'm waiting for some ppl to advertise luthiers (not the shop, the ppl :D )
strats said:
heck no. a luthier is someone who makes/repairs guitais, or any stringed instrument for that matter.

Just to add on. I believe we should not take the term "Luthier" lightly... Its like calling someone a Doctor. Its a title, something that has to have a ton of work/study/experience before you can attain that title. A master who understands woodwork and can fashion an fantastic instrument for music out of plain wood.
Dunno if Malcolm will object to my posting of his number, but I think he's a great guy and sets up guits really well. I've had my EBMM set up by him, and I took my custom Maton to him to have a look at as well.

He's also cool to talk with on pedals and mods and boutique stuff.

Malcolm Tan - XXXX XXXX

edit: sorry, was told to take Malcolm's number off... just visit his site and email him. He will get back to you.

Sorry for the newbie error...

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