SOFT soccer team

shall i post it guys?
shall i post his friendster account?
shall i
SHALL I??????
once again, see this thread like really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really GO WAY OUT OF POINT ......isnt it better we open a new thread and call it "Talking C**k Corner" or something....coz im afraid if this go way out of the intending thread title, some of softies never get updated on soccer.....sorry guys, i really love ur chat here, its funny, but...u should understand....

PS: Dime, tat wasnt a gd ball u gave me,hahah, i have to overstretch....still pain
yuh, u split my tuna already, n i suspect sore muscle....coz is stilll aching....

i wonder those never turn out, why never join this chat to tell us wat the reason they were MIA
i wonder those never turn out, why never join this chat to tell us wat the reason they were MIA

Aiyoo! I was caught up with a last minute plan guys.. Bought new shoes already u noe just to score goals.. Well, perhaps the next session.
wei i say already what i wake up late, and heck my ankles are injured.

so when's the next session guys??? morning hard to wake up sial...
Since some of u request to play on saturday, i will try make next soccer meeting on saturday, will update soon