SOFT soccer team

once again Dime scores for the red team.

today's turnout wasnt what i expected.10 people only.but still its very fun!
I never buih ah.. I already report early early.. haha. Sorry ah, got some last mins plan for the day.. Anyway, its dime ure talkin bout.. Of course he can shred!
damm ..I damm shyytte tired ... had accoustic gig yesterday afternoon and another at night followed by party with my kakis - got home only at 3am and woke up at 8 this morning for this kick about, followed by talk rock sing song session at the prata shop

pancit man ......

Liberator - if U can fix em - U can use em

haha fgl.i also abit the pancit.worked night shift the day before till 12+late reached home around 1am and slpt at its literally 4 hrs of slp.
to lift our sagging spirits ...

Damm - I could have had a hatrick today if I had my shooting boots on - especially my "Kanu" like backheel ...brag ,... brag ...brag ...

cannot i verry weak.
what you see is all fat no muscle
if not fgl could have done a beatifully lifted cross.

but dont la the SUNSHINE too bright.

next time I bring my SHADES .... haaha yeah dat was a bad miss .... I took my eye of the ball for a spllit second to sccope out the jembu female jogger going by and missed that header..slaccckk ...
next time I bring my SHADES .... haaha yeah dat was a bad miss .... I took my eye of the ball for a spllit second to sccope out the jembu female jogger going by and missed that header..slaccckk ...

ini lah die.semue pompan die nak sapu...haha...