Haha! One question is already wrong in the first page. G-flat minor has 7 flats (B,E,A,D,G,C,F) and 2 double-flats (B,E) - it's not in the multiple choice answers.
Oops. Come to think of it, the question on page 1 (question 2) was correct. G-flat minor is the relative minor of B double-flat major. It should have 9 flats. But since the last 2 flats are double-flats (B and E), the B and E flats are replaced by the B and E double-flats. So B double-flat major/G flat minor has 5 flats and 2 double-flats. My mistake...
Classical Musician
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You know about as much music theory as the classical musician. You've probably been to music school, or studied theory in your spare time. Perhaps you're a music major in collage. You know enough to get by there. You're not as anal retentive as most theorists, or composers. You didn't retain every detail, but you've probably been schooled in music.