So what exactly are "kapok" guitar?

i initially thought kapok was like an adjective for lousy guitar. like "the guitar so kapok sial..". then i saw that kapok is a brand! so much for reputation.
kapok means bad luck , give up..
has no truss rod? so its a classic nylon guitar

maybe its not from spruce...
i'm an owner of the kapok classical, priced at est. $35. probably the one that u actually saw in the shop. its my first ever guitar that i've purchased + played + owned. however its sitting by my guitar stand facing the wall now. probably inhabiting a natural environment of creepy crawlies in its soundhole now. haha!
A Kapok classical was the first guitar I ever had.. Many memories of it back during my secondary school days under the block and school canteen sessions... Hahaha.. Though I had to tune it to C or D standard cause the action was ridiculously high when tune in E..
Kapok eh. Hahaha. I dunno bout u guys in singapore, but Kapok is still surviving here in Malaysia.

Sometimes I walk around my area, I still see malay boys playing kapok brand guitar. I dun own one, but play it b4. Tension and keras sial the strings. But good for training finger strength
proud owner of one!! it was my very first guitar and it was sure tough being a beginner and having to learn barring of chords on it! But it does serve it's purpose as a beginner's guitar and like what the rest has said, it really trains the finger strength! :D

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