though I don't smoke. I feel that the ban should not include clubs & coffeeshops.
For one, smoking is an intergra part of the people going to pubs & club. To ban it is simply saying to the owners of these place to pack up you bags and close shop.
For coffeeshops, working class smokers normally eat in a coffeeshop anyway. So it's like SOP for a smoker to enjoy a puff immediately after meal and relax himself from the day's work. So if you have to move to a nearby patch to light up, it sort of deprive the smoker of some relaxation (even in a coffeshop setting). But smokers must be considerate to non-smokers sitting in close proximity, not to smoke down-wind of the others. If smokers are inconsiderate, then these people should be totally banned from smoking.
For resturants, there is already a system in place for smoking and non-smoking sections, which I think the cover is enough. Those without smoking section do not allow smoking within the premises, so smokers have to do it outdoors.
For bus-stops if the govt decide to ban, I'd be in support. But there should be a bin or area like 5-10m away for smokers, like a yellow box in the army camps. This is because you are in very close proximity with other people. So down wind or not, the smoke will definately offend someone's air space. Even I haven't taken bus for a long time. I remember often breathing someone's second hand smoke at a bus stop.