Preventing Vocal Problems
Do Not . . .
smoke tobacco
smoke marijuana
use drugs
drink alcohol the day before or the day of
drink coffee before a performance
become a cheerleader
shout & scream at sporting events
go to loud clubs or bars
talk on a bus or airplane
try to be heard in noisy places like bars, sport arenas, large family gatherings, airplanes, buses
vocalize a sneeze
Note: This does not mean you should stifle a sneeze -- never do that! Go ahead and sneeze, just don't phonate while doing so.
phonate while yawning
stay up late the night before a performance
sing outdoors
clear your throat continually
sing if it hurts to swallow
try to talk over a cold or laryngitis
sing higher or lower than is comfortable
"over sing" (if you are hoarse after singing, something is very wrong)
whisper loudly, or for very long
raise the chest or shoulders when inhaling
be a vocalist in an acid rock or heavy metal band
use the belt voice
lift weights
talk on a lower or higher pitch than is comfortable for you. The "huumm" pitch (expressing mild surprise) is the pitch at which you should be speaking!
try to change your natural speaking voice ("vocal image" e.g., sexy, macho)
talk a lot on the day of performance
Do . . .
If undergoing surgery, insist that the intubation be performed by someone well acquainted with the risk to the vocal folds
speak at your own pitch (like Julia Childs and opera divas)
support your speaking voice just as when singing
get plenty of rest
be happy
laugh a lot, but with good support
avoid stress
avoid places with foul air. Everything you breathe passes through your instrument
inhale at the belly (like inner tube around your waist) relax belly to inhale (i.e., let your belly hang out, "feel fat")
eat well (as do Pavarotti & ladies of the opera
avoid dairy products prior to a performance
treat your body like a valuable instrument
humidify your bedroom during winter months
drink lots of water -- 8 glasses a day
"Pee Pale, Sing Clear" -- your urine should be clear -- yellowness means you are dehydrated (the more yellow it is, the worse)
Do Not . . .
smoke tobacco
smoke marijuana
use drugs
drink alcohol the day before or the day of
drink coffee before a performance
become a cheerleader
shout & scream at sporting events
go to loud clubs or bars
talk on a bus or airplane
try to be heard in noisy places like bars, sport arenas, large family gatherings, airplanes, buses
vocalize a sneeze
Note: This does not mean you should stifle a sneeze -- never do that! Go ahead and sneeze, just don't phonate while doing so.
phonate while yawning
stay up late the night before a performance
sing outdoors
clear your throat continually
sing if it hurts to swallow
try to talk over a cold or laryngitis
sing higher or lower than is comfortable
"over sing" (if you are hoarse after singing, something is very wrong)
whisper loudly, or for very long
raise the chest or shoulders when inhaling
be a vocalist in an acid rock or heavy metal band
use the belt voice
lift weights
talk on a lower or higher pitch than is comfortable for you. The "huumm" pitch (expressing mild surprise) is the pitch at which you should be speaking!
try to change your natural speaking voice ("vocal image" e.g., sexy, macho)
talk a lot on the day of performance
Do . . .
If undergoing surgery, insist that the intubation be performed by someone well acquainted with the risk to the vocal folds
speak at your own pitch (like Julia Childs and opera divas)
support your speaking voice just as when singing
get plenty of rest
be happy
laugh a lot, but with good support
avoid stress
avoid places with foul air. Everything you breathe passes through your instrument
inhale at the belly (like inner tube around your waist) relax belly to inhale (i.e., let your belly hang out, "feel fat")
eat well (as do Pavarotti & ladies of the opera
avoid dairy products prior to a performance
treat your body like a valuable instrument
humidify your bedroom during winter months
drink lots of water -- 8 glasses a day
"Pee Pale, Sing Clear" -- your urine should be clear -- yellowness means you are dehydrated (the more yellow it is, the worse)