SLAYER in S'pore (photos added in gallery)

i got my slayer shirt yesterday!

heres a setlist from july
hi guys, sorry for the comments made, but it wasnt' me, my friend was posting using my account as i was logged on. Just wanted to apologised for the coments made as it wasnt' me at all. Mr soft, if you could please delete all the offensive post that my friend has posted using my account. Thank you and sorry once again.

I took my shirt off at slipknot coz it was drenched with sweat rofl.

Then i was on the bus and walking around orchard without a shirt :|
public indecency...i think we should all bring deodorants in a pouch and deposit it or somethin. That way after the concert everyone can still smell good. If not ketiak sia!!
nah im sexy, so everyone was happy *cough*

Are there lockers there? I wanna buy a poster or something and i wont have friends to hold onto my valuables this time.
$125!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH

this may sound lame, but why hold it somewhere in the east?

bump for slayer.

13th oct is nearing, 2 more weeks!

ps: sorry about the previous post haalskejklasejhe
im not exactly a big time slayer fan, but wth rare chance a proper metal band will play here(which doesnt include linkin park and co. mind you). and slayer being one of the 4 so called thrash metal legends. yada yada yada yada. ITS SLAYER!