Slash-ish Tone?


New member
I think i kind of got something pretty slashy..haha..please tell me what u think so too, or if u dont, whether its nice or not.

the first sample is the sweet child o mine first 2 solos merged together:

the second sample is just some rock n roll riffs i did cos i thought that tone is appropriate for such stuff, do tell me what u think too. :P:

finally, thanks for your time! :D
WAAA...the gay yousendit changed its way of running things, so u cant acess it man...sorry bro, i upload to tripod and update the links yea. :)
your samick? or don't tell me you got a Fender strat already? over all good tone, but i would prefer it with more mids and just a little less treble. it's all good for old rock and some blues/swing.
hifi_killer said:
the recording quality dont really do any justice to your tone...
hey sorry i use windows media player to play it, its fine, but i line in from the amp, so it may sound "rough" or crackly, tats the feedback i got from others. Mind sharing if the tone was still hear-able, or totally distorted? thanks man! :)
well.. i cant tell if its suppose to sound like slash....

no actually the recording is ok i think... i think its the clipping that distorts the tone beyond recognition