SL Sale 310508: Misc items


Greetings friends... this is the final instalment of the pre-SALE discussions; eveything else goes in here: straps/ strings/ tuners/ pickups/ etc...

Those who are interested in DiMarzio pickups, yes they are subject to 50% disct but models available are limited (what i can recall):

*DLX Plus
*Breed (regular spacing)
*PAF Classic

there are also Gibson pickups to go for :cool:

Ibanez's Series 96 cables are still available if you are interested:
Those in need of high quality cables, do consider DiMarzio instrument cables.. Should cost around $30 for 10 feet..
Didn't go down today cos the items I wanted to get didn't seem to justify the queue...

But for those who were there today, were there any SKB hardcases (specifically the SKB-66) on sale? How about the warwick 5-guitar racks?