SL Sale 310508: Amp talk


greetings friends- it wouldn't be quite right if we don't talk gear prior to the SALE day; it's not done for enticement exclusively, but as a form of assistance to those who are have headaches pertaining to selections. please note that this thread is strictly temporary & would be closed on the sale day. some ground rules:

*there should be no list price query to be done here. this discussion is not a price directory & it should not be turned into one. the onus is on you to check out the list price. however, we should be quoting price range to help members maximize their budget.

*do not ask if Amp A is better than Amp B, ask if it meets your needs more than anything else.

*we definitely do not know if there are gonna be a specific model on the sale day by the time you make your entrance into the venue or what's in store on the sale day. i always advise buyers to do some shopping a few days prior to the sale event & have Plan B, C & D handy if your Plan A fails you...

for starters, here are some great affordable units to consider:

*Ibanez TBX30R- one of the better default-drive low watters around

*Peavey Studio Pro 112- if want superb on-board distortion, this one has it + good clean tones to boot :cool:

*Roland CUBE30X- a great starter amp, even worthy as subsequent units
For those wanting to venture into tube territory, here are some affordable ones you should keep a look-out for..

Fender Pro Jr : Bright cleans, great for strat lovers

Epiphone Valve Jr : Warm and fat cleans, good with pedals

Laney VC15 : Never tried this before though

Laney LC15R : Quite a workhorse
in addition to the list above, i'd also urge buyers to consider Fender's Champion 600:


and Ibanez ValBee (if there are any left)

Urgh.. another great example of how I have no choice but to miss this one because of WORK!! :evil:
whatever's on display during the SALE would be on SALE... it's a matter of the items being in stock or otherwise.
hey subz! thx for all the great recommendations as always.

btw. any idea how much the fender champion wld costs?
b4 n after discount?

ok nvm loL juz checked the website. thx >.<

btw if any1 else wanted 2 know the list price:S$513.60 (taken from the website)