singing techniques


New member
hey guys, would u share with me about ur singing techniques??

i personally got quite fed up with trying to follow singing techniques and "don't do this and that" and decided to do what feels second nature for my voice....

i can growl, vibrato and stuff my voice never feels painful but of cos naturally after 6 hours plus of singing i feel tired...

so tell me what u think because singing techniques seem to have got me almost nowhere....
normally if you can do all those and not feel painful, u are on the right track. that tired feeling you feel is mostly due to tired muscles in your throat. (duh). like when you're exercising, after a good workout, u feel tired. its normal. so in this case, warming down is important. i usually do lip bubbles (brrrr) from a high pitch to low pitch. this helps cool down the tired muscles, laying them to rest. it may seem like nothing but it will help your singing in the long run.

the technique im learning now is based on Bel Canto operatic singing. it teaches one to have an open throat. it gives me more control and power, and a very nice clean tone. also, since i'm singing open throat, theres very little or absolutely nodanger to my vocal chords.
okay, lots of teachers tend to focus entirely on the throat and diaphragm and face. There's a lot more to singing technique than just that sort of thing. Firstly, though, is relax. Can't sing too much if your posture's all kinds of twisted up, and so. Stuff like, make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground, stand straight so you don't crush your lungs, keep your shoulders loose. Breathe deep. After that, it all devolves into stylistic things, and what works in one style will completely contradict another... so what do you sing in, dude?
okay, lots of teachers tend to focus entirely on the throat and diaphragm and face. There's a lot more to singing technique than just that sort of thing. Firstly, though, is relax. Can't sing too much if your posture's all kinds of twisted up, and so. Stuff like, make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground, stand straight so you don't crush your lungs, keep your shoulders loose. Breathe deep. After that, it all devolves into stylistic things, and what works in one style will completely contradict another... so what do you sing in, dude?

what do u mean what do i sing in? hmmmm i sing in english and chinese hahaa.... and i sometimes sing in a laringytis filled voice ( ) because i have no time to rest sometimes haha

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