Singing: Talent or Learned?

Dude.. I think you might be spoiling your voice. Does your falsetto go away after singing? Coz I used to sing lidat too, then I stopped coz after every session like sore throat...


drummar-buah said:
i think i'm using a wrong technique cuz sometimes when i pitch to high my voice gets strained..and my voice sounds really sharp if i sing too high..
but even thought i may have used the wrong vocal range has increased alot after "straining my voice for months" not really straining la...don't really know how to describe....
i think its like a muscle, have to stretch and stretch for a very long time before it can really reach its full potential.
wat the hell is a falsetto?? =X i don't get sore throats singing like this..
not that i'm comfortable with it...but doesn't mean i'm not NOT comforfatble with it..
Anyone has any idea on how to train vocal range? And of course the 'power' of your voice. People tell me, just sing and sing and sing. =\
Haha... By the way falsetto is kinda of like your "fake" voice, it's that really high voice you can make by switching your real voice out. It's hard to explain but you'll know what I mean... The thing Jason tries to do all the time and miserably fails... But anyway those people who can master falsetto can close the gap between their real and "fake" voices to the point of having a very vast range, e.g. James Labrie, ZP Theart... You know, those kind of guys. Oh and just for the record, if you guys want to hear some real wierd ass falsetto check out King Diamond... cool musician, legendary metal figure... interesting voice...
drummar-buah said:
wat the hell is a falsetto?? =X i don't get sore throats singing like this..
not that i'm comfortable with it...but doesn't mean i'm not NOT comforfatble with it..

Well if it doesn't strain your voice then I guess it's ok...
Ya falsetto is the girly light sound that Coldplay they all use... but it can be trained to become strong so that it becomes usable.

mostly choir singers uses falsetto...
voice control is similar to all kinda singing...
just need to practice on hw to change from your normal voice to your "fake" one...
the fluency must be there...
once u gt that figured out....
u r halfway to becoming a gd vocal...
oh singing with my falsetto used to be very good.. then when i found out that the voice is so fake..i started to train my REAL voice and i negleted my i suck at it...but my REAL singing has improved trememdously..
shit...gotta REtrain again..
Actually I'm clueless... think they call it head voice that which can be strengthened. Some pple say falsetto is head voice, some say no, head voice is different. Alot of dispute, la... Guess I'll have to recommend you get a good vocal teacher.


candie said:
How do you train your falsetto until it becomes usable then? Any suggestions?
with no talents good disipline, practise and more practise ...get a vocal teacher .... chances you will improve...

but with talents ... everything is natural of course...
great tips..

i dont think singing is a related to talent.. it's all hard work and understanding your voice in and out

if you can speak, you can sing :)
First mistake, most choirs do NOT use falsettos. It depends on the score.

Secondly, if you find that your are straining your voice. You are either,

1. Breathing wrongly, use your diaphragm not your nose or throat.
2. When using falsetto, do not jump into words, sing in vowels.
3. Because you are singing in a pop method, please use your head voice, tune your music infront.

On the idea on talent, personally, if your are not tone- deaf, you can sing, I m sure we all sing the national anthem?

Head voice is the singing method that tunes your singing much more infront. Meaning for eg, if you sing a C chord. It should sound like a high frequency C compared to a lower frequency, darker C.

Falsetto is the usage of your, as the name suggests, fake voice. On this note, guys we are able to sing better than the girls using falsettos, it is proven. Using your diaphragm as usual, push your throat upwards, this allows you to reach higher notes in a falsetto voice. One good band I recomend is The Beatles or Uriah Heep.

You throat has to be nourished with water, sugar and a lot of moist items to keep it in good condition. Most bands make the mistake of drinking too much water before a performance. Why?

You are using your diaphragm to sing, how are you going to sing in better than good shape if your stomach is filled to the brim with water? It should be consumed in between songs.

For good protection, chocolates are the best frens. I do mean light chocolates, not heavy, thick ones.
kevinlimse said:
For good protection, chocolates are the best frens. I do mean light chocolates, not heavy, thick ones.

really? why is that
doesn't it gunk the throat out?
i read somewhere that green tea plus honey n salted sour plum is good for smoothing the throat... :lol:

i personally think that talent is part of the reason why some ppl can sing soo well, its juz in their genes...but we shld nvr forget about hardwork n constant practice...go singing with ur frenz, let them comment on ur singing, good or bad, n listen to everyone of them...some may hv different opinions, so not all is true one lor..haha! Most imptly, is that u enjoy singing n try to feel for the music, n then combine ur voice n the music into one, n that wld be great~! Try all types of music b4 settling as u dunno what type of genres suits u...i'm still searching for my originality as i sang too much similar singers liao..

For me, i always drink hot honey tea in ktv, cos the place already very cold liao, n then if u drink those ice lemon tea or cold water, u cant really project ur voice well...n somemore lemon will sort of cause "friction" in ur voice.. this is for my case la..keke.. :wink:
oh forget to add this, i feel chocolate dun help you...instead i feel it may got ur throat worsen....cos too sweety liao... :oops:

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