Singing: Talent or Learned?


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Can I, a person who sings like a crow shrieks, be able to sing like Frank Sinatra if practice hard? :lol:
Of coz u can

Believe me when I say.. .you can be a good singer.

You will need to practice a lot. Try listening to different singers performing different genres of music. Jazz, Latin, rock, ballads, rnb.

Learn the different styles then you develop your own.

First you will need to learn the proper breathing then it goes from there.

Tell you the truth, when I first started out, I just sing and do not know the proper way of singing. I don't even sound good. Worse than a toad!

But as time goes by, i learn and keep on learning... try to sing in harmony also.

Don't worry... you will be able to sing well before you know it.

Find your own style!
I read somewhere that with training, ur voice can improve only to a certain degree, u still need the talent. One good example is William Hung, i think he got a vocal coach when recorded his album, but then he still sound pretty much the same...So the point is, I think u still need talent at the end of the day :lol:
One guy that kept me inspired was David Tao. Listen to him in the early stages of his career (his 1st demo of Love Is Simple) He sounds bad there man.
But listen to him now...:p
So I would say, talent helps but if you work really hard, it will make up for lack of talent.

William Hung still souds sucks in his album is because people go for his album because of these "sucks singing effect", if he sing better, i don't think anyone will buy it.

lppier said:
So I would say, talent helps but if you work really hard, it will make up for lack of talent.

william hung disgraces us >< gee i dont like him- not at all.
and i sound really bad singing too, sometimes i think it depends on whether you're able to hear the pitch of the music or not. i dont think practice can make up for that.. can it?
No need to be so serious la, hehe... just treat him as entertainment - he at least made you laugh, right?


unwell14 said:
william hung disgraces us >< gee i dont like him- not at all.
and i sound really bad singing too, sometimes i think it depends on whether you're able to hear the pitch of the music or not. i dont think practice can make up for that.. can it?
you vocal is like an instrument. You have to have soul when using it. If you don't, then practicing may help but having a feel when singing will help. Of course first rule is to stay on key. If you can't, no matter how you practice, you will still suck because IMO that can't never be learned. Then comes style, range etc. Those can be learned/practice.
i have heard vocalists who sing like shit at 1st........ but singing improve after a few mths....... :D

i have also heard vocalists who damn powerful ........ but no improvement after a few mths....... :cry:

i feel tat trainning is still a must lor........ :roll:

anyway....... no hard feeling cos it's just my view....... :wink:

Actually I disgree... I've had two friends who always went out of key but after a few months of karaoke singing they could follow already....


azacamis said:
you vocal is like an instrument. You have to have soul when using it. If you don't, then practicing may help but having a feel when singing will help. Of course first rule is to stay on key. If you can't, no matter how you practice, you will still suck because IMO that can't never be learned. Then comes style, range etc. Those can be learned/practice.
any tips on improve the vocals range? and stay in tone, i'm always having this -oh-i'm-dead tone. hahaha.. maybe i jus dont have the talent.
kaye!! i kinda have the same prob i guess
okok though i'm a drummer...HELL WHO SAYS DRUMMERS CAN"T SING!!

i am trying to improve my singing..and yes i've seen improvement
firstly u gotta have the passion for singing...that'll help drive u on for better suonding voice..
i used to have low low GRANDPA voices after puberty..WHICH SUCKS!! so sad..i wanted to sing those love love songs.. haha!! :oops:
well i just kept singing and singing.. each time i sing.. i try to hit the highest note i can..and try to pitch higher..
i think i'm using a wrong technique cuz sometimes when i pitch to high my voice gets strained..and my voice sounds really sharp if i sing too high..
but even thought i may have used the wrong vocal range has increased alot after "straining my voice for months" not really straining la...don't really know how to describe....

so it's just constant practice man..i can reach notes which i couldn't last time..and these notes sound really natural to me now..very nice full sound.. :D
oh yah..just wondering.. has anyone been able to mimck the way Chester sings? he's the vocalist from linkin park.. i find his GROWL-SING-SHOUT voice very unique..and i wanna sing like that too.. like have a range of styles for my songs...pop songs.. and some metal growl and of course Chester's GROWL-SING-SHOUT voice power =D

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