Singapore's Mentality in Sports - Ridiculous?

Can add Croatia. Population figures almost the same, 4.45 million i think. But they have the world's no.1 men's water polo team and several famous figures like Luka Modric or tennis player Mario Ancic. Read this article, its full of their sporting acheivements: I'm quite amazed. If a country like that can win so many accolades in sports, why can't we, a more developed, modern country do so too?
darn..i thought i m the only one thinking like this...I dont feel proud at all when they win whatever medals. when u watch the table tennis's like China Vs China lol...a lot of countries using china exports. The Govt should stop using tax payers money to groom Foreign talents! If they can leave their country for ours...what make us think that they won't do the same to us...I feel, the money should be invested in our own people!

However, I feel many Singaporeans cant seem to be able to go all the way out for their dreams..either their parents, teacher or whoever..will say something to discourage the end, the story repeats. It all boils down to our education system. Haiz...
Try going home and telling your parents that you are going into sports full time. They will most probably be in shock/start scolding you.

In other countries, its not like that.

Uncertainty in sustainable income, injuries are some of the things on our minds.

Even if one is a world class football player, does one find the other 10 players up to the mark? It has to happen over time so that the whole team is good, not just one or 2.

But I have some hope for Singapore though..