singapore or temasek poly?

im having the same problem deciding on where to go.
I got 13 points for my L1R5,minus 2 points = 11 points.

Confused on whether to head off to jc or poly. I definitely want to go to uni, but im not sure if jc is the right choice for me.

Need advice!
WARNING (MIGHT CRUSH YOUR DREAMS) : Poly isn't as fun as it seems.

Yeah, you'll thank me when you are in University/NS when your poly friends are scratching skulls open in their third year. :)

JC = you get into UNI if you're not a dumbass.
Poly = there is alot of life lessons to be learnt here and you will be more or less prepared to work with a "working" environment setting.

Poly is NOT rockstars with tight jeans walking around with long hair playing guitar everyday. Poly IS musicians who are dying inside due to the incredibly crazy load of projects.

Not to say JC is smooth sailing, cause from what I hear from friends, it is much tougher cause of A levels. But yeah, even with average grades, Uni is the next step for you.
I totally agree with AEnimic, JC wld be best, unless ur ready to forgo uni and go into the workforce immediately after NS. Poly is easier to attain Diploma, but if even if u do well, u aren't guaranteed a place in uni. Whereas for JC, if u do just average, say 1A 2Bs and 1C, u still stand a better chance of going into a uni. I also did my 'O's last year, and i was temporarily fooled into thinking poly was fun. I considered it, but after my teacher's advice, i was convinced to go JC no matter what. As it turned out, i attained 8 points and will most likely enter ACJC. Sure, it may be harder than poly, but life isn't a bed of roses, and its something u won't regret. I had a friend who got 9 points of 'O's and he entered SP. He did well, but could not enter a local uni. Hence, he had to fork out cash to go overseas.

Bottom line: if u want uni, JC. If u don't want, poly. No offence to the poly ppl here, its jus a generalisation for the benefit of my fellow 'O' levellers.
The number of projects placed on ur shoulders depends on the course you are enrolled. For tourisms course, you may have up to 8 projects at once.
whereas for other courses, its less.
There are still rockstars out there who go poly and come home straight after school and rock their guitar..if you want freedom, poly is the choice.
never be indecisive. you know yourself more than anyone else.:D
Yea agree with tpiledriver about the projects part. My engineering course has like.. 3 projects per sem, max. Only one of the modules is a 'serious' presentation. The rest is just based on content (engineering lecturers for some reason don't care about attire, politeness etc.).

My own experience. May vary with courses.
I totally agree with AEnimic, JC wld be best, unless ur ready to forgo uni and go into the workforce immediately after NS. Poly is easier to attain Diploma, but if even if u do well, u aren't guaranteed a place in uni. Whereas for JC, if u do just average, say 1A 2Bs and 1C, u still stand a better chance of going into a uni. I also did my 'O's last year, and i was temporarily fooled into thinking poly was fun. I considered it, but after my teacher's advice, i was convinced to go JC no matter what. As it turned out, i attained 8 points and will most likely enter ACJC. Sure, it may be harder than poly, but life isn't a bed of roses, and its something u won't regret. I had a friend who got 9 points of 'O's and he entered SP. He did well, but could not enter a local uni. Hence, he had to fork out cash to go overseas.

Bottom line: if u want uni, JC. If u don't want, poly. No offence to the poly ppl here, its jus a generalisation for the benefit of my fellow 'O' levellers.

With avg scores, you wont be able to get into the better courses in uni right?
Im still confused on where to go...
dude 11-4=7

Go to a JC, unless you dont intend to go to a sg university.

In poly to get into a singapore university you have to study just as hard as the JC kids. And with your score you can get into decent schools like SAJC, MJ wont be a problem too.

Im a poly student, did well 2 years back and chose polytechnic. I wont say I regret my decision, but given the choice again, I might have preferred the JC route. But again i stress, poly is not a BAD option per se.
as a mass comms student i kinda regretted going to poly...cos its really competitive and its kinda tough to get into a local uni. Slogging for a GPA of 3.0 and above is pretty much similar to the workload of a jc student and if you slack off, forget about even stepping into a local uni like SMU, NTU or NUS. Of course there are options like SIM and overseas but i prefer not to take the risk of unaccreditation and of course the need to spend $$$.

You can get average grades in jc and still get somewhere....i got friends in srjc who got 3Cs for their a levels and an o level pass and they can still get into accounting in uni. You cant really do that for poly cos firstly the government gives jc students more priority over university admission. Polytechnic students only qualify if they have a GPA above 3.5 or are shortlisted in the director's list (top 5 % of the cohort). So poly is no slacker's game. If you are planning to work after poly, then sure by all means a diploma will definitely be more of a sure-go but an A level cert would be a better perquisite if you'r looking to further your studies with a degree. So look at it from a long term basis and ask yourself what are your plans for the future. If money is no object, you can always do a diploma and go overseas for your degree :D

I'm currently in my final year with no plans whatsoever to go overseas or a private university like SIM, so private A's is going to be a likely route for me. Best part is I would be doing it with my national service concurrently too. My only regret was not making that choice earlier.

Just speaking from personal experience, so that maybe someone could benefit by taking a leaf from my book. Of course poly isnt totally bad, i must say that the contacts i made and got to know in the media industry was definitely invaluable and i would probably stand a better chance attaining a job from familiarity rather than if i had went to a JC. But junior college really does give the advantage for local uni admission imo.
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Moral of the story: Do what you like, something you won't regret studying 3 years for. Go whichever school that has it, if both has it, preferably the nearer one would be better.

Follow your heart and brain, not your friends or the masses, and I'm sure you'll pick the right school.
Yes. Follow your heart. if you plan on going to a local university, go JC. its much easier. As a year-1-going-year-2 TP DES student. I can tell you its damn competitive. And partly cause i kinda suck with a gpa 1.71. \m/

P.S. GPA 1.71 FTW.
im from SP but i think TP would be a better option for that course. i heard they have a campus on sentosa or something. more opportunities than SP.
my friend took the sp course and ended up doing engineering that has nothing to do with hotel management. i think you better go tp. haha.
how do they calculate GPA? lol. if i must i can work just as hard as a jc student and get a GPA of 3.5

getting a GPA of 3.5 isnt enough cos in some courses, especially engineering ones you got alot of foreign students from India and China scoring perfect GPAs of 4.0. So depending on the difficulty of the course you will have to score a better GPA...a safe bet is once you have made it to the director's honours list of your cohort (top 5% of the course).

welcome to the jungle my friend.

If you want a more or less assured route to university, my 2 cents is to stick to JC 8)