Singapore is lacking of bassists lol


New member
Haiyo hard to find bassists nowadays eh? haha anyone can recommend me good bassist experienced well if new but good oso can recommend or not <scratch head> sorry guys just sharing thoughts with yall under musicans section they all looking for drummer/bassist/keyboardist most... most are guitarists ah? haha
haha.. agreed.. so far i only now a couple of bassist compared to the number of guitarist or drummers..
It's always that way.. I took up bass because no-one else would :) A lot of people see bass as not glamorous enough. But a bassist contributes a lot to the sound, even if it's not easily noticeable at first.

I think a good vocalist is even more rare than a bassist.

Well i dunno much the availability rates on good vocalist around...coz i myself a vocalist + a guitarist.. btw if any of you a bassist you're always welcome to join ETH82 u can check me out on search for ETH82 but i posted mainly rock stuff on acoustic version ..but looking forward to do original stuffs as well..
i think bass is really cool , just that guitar appealed a little more to me . but i'd gladly do bass anytime haha