Singapore Bands On MySpace

Local Oi! Bands that are always overlooked

The Ruction

Secret Army

Brewing Boots


The Bois

Drunken Hooligans

Not in myspace:
Generation 69, Firm On Fire and others

For your info, these bands had released stuffs past, present and more to come in the future. In one way or another, these local Oi bands had done the country proud in upholding our country's name worldwide in the global networkings, album sales and in the name of friendship... These bands manage to clinch deals with overseas labels to spread their music as local labels are too afriad to give them the support...

Grab some stuffs that are already on sale:
The Ruction - Love Us or Hate Us CD
Various Artists (Local Oi bands) - Oi! The Uprising 2
Secret Army - My Kind Of Society EP
The Bois - New Generation CD

In The Very Near Future Releases:
Secret Army Debut Album
Brewing Boots Upcoming EP
The Bois 3rd Album
The Ruction in the compilation of 'Oi! It's Kids of Asia Vol 1'