

hey, do any of you guys know where one can get sight-reading lessons in singapore?

i'm kind of "preparing" for NS, the whole mdc thing... yeah.

i know its going to be a bitch to learn to sight-read.

What instrument are you playing?

The best way to practice sight-reading is to practice! There are many sight-reading books available. The thing about sight-reading - once you've attempted to play it once, playing it the second time is no longer sight-reading.

hey, thanks for the reply.

i play lame old guitars. you know, i'm primarily self-taught, but the mention of the word sight-reading somehow gives me the shivers! i'm thinking that i'm better off getting myself cooped up in a structure-based learning environment (read: organised) this time around (not that i have never been, but... yeah) than taking the treaded route that somehow always meanders itself in a straight manner.

hence the question.

oh i don't know, i think i'm in over my head, ignorant as may be. sorry for the waste of space.
i used to be the drummer in my secondary skool military band!
when it comes to side reading, i think its more easier to do so with drum notations!

not dat its impossible to do so too with other instruments, juz dat when ur side reading drums notes, u don have to really "recall" which line is wat "note" unlike in other stringed or wind instruments when u really have memorise the notes and stuff and when they have all those "crossover" lines!

William Leavitt's Berklee books are good for sight reading. Main thing is to practice practice practice. Once you have sight read a piece, turn the piece of paper upside down, and play again...
some notes on sight reading, this applies to mainly all instruments, especially the piano and guitar... its better if u're reading tao gay notes, but anyway:
1. Always read ahead in the score, this way u can half predict what will come next and not fumble and stop.
2. Take a short glance through the entire passage before u play
3. keep time, even if ur notes are wrong, juz continue but keep time
4. Practice makes perfect! sight reading has always been the most difficult part for most musicians... i used to fail in the sight reading components, but better now that i follow some of the above guidelines :)

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