Shredcow's RG7621 with VIPER7 in action!


New member
I love the way I title my OM threads, don't you guys love it too? 8)

Okay, back to the topic...

I just got a prototype Viper7 from Stan, and I plonked it into my RG7621. For those in the know, I've been very keen to try the 7 string and while very pleased with the make/fit/finish of the guitar, I've been flabberglasted (sp, I know) with the tone. While I can see the potential, I couldn't get the tone I wanted out of the 7621, and I was on the verge of selling it off, out of sheer frustration.
Good old Stan from HAS Sound, threw some 7 string prototypes my way. And he got it reallllllllll good on the Viper7. I tell you, reallllllllllll good.
I'm no longer selling the RG7621. The Viper7/Dropzone7 combination is a clear winner and the guitar is now a MONSTER.

Well, just take a listen will you?

Links (Same file)

Its an except from a song. I got carried away while composing the solo. Totally carried away. :lol:

Tone-wise, I didn't want a heavy metal thing scooped sizzle thing, just a nice, crunchy, organic, fat, clear tone. I wanted my higher voiced chords to fill the sonic spectrum enough while the low B will retain clarity and not mud out. I think Stan nailed it. Totally.

Gimme your thoughts on the tone and composition ya? I understand this composition does sound very ... normal and in the typical style of power metal soloing, but yeah. Have fun!
Oh, before anyone starts pointing fingers.... yes, the solo IS out of tune at the parts where I do the screaming double stop bends.

I tried and tried but can't get out of the old habit. You know, when you have a floating trem, you bend one stirng, the rest go flat? So when doing double stops, you try to "compensate" by bending BOTH notes up? So yeah, I kept doing that, and the RG7621 is a fixed bridge guitar. Shucks. :roll:
very nice and deep chuga chuga PM sound...hahaha...jus thinkin...what effects u use on tis song?
Ah... efxs?

The airy reverb is from the Software, Cakewalk SONAR. The phaser thing after the clean portion is from SONAR too.

The rest, my pedals. :)