I love the way I title my OM threads, don't you guys love it too? 8)
Okay, back to the topic...
I just got a prototype Viper7 from Stan, and I plonked it into my RG7621. For those in the know, I've been very keen to try the 7 string and while very pleased with the make/fit/finish of the guitar, I've been flabberglasted (sp, I know) with the tone. While I can see the potential, I couldn't get the tone I wanted out of the 7621, and I was on the verge of selling it off, out of sheer frustration.
Good old Stan from HAS Sound, threw some 7 string prototypes my way. And he got it reallllllllll good on the Viper7. I tell you, reallllllllllll good.
I'm no longer selling the RG7621. The Viper7/Dropzone7 combination is a clear winner and the guitar is now a MONSTER.
Well, just take a listen will you?
Links (Same file)
Its an except from a song. I got carried away while composing the solo. Totally carried away. :lol:
Tone-wise, I didn't want a heavy metal thing scooped sizzle thing, just a nice, crunchy, organic, fat, clear tone. I wanted my higher voiced chords to fill the sonic spectrum enough while the low B will retain clarity and not mud out. I think Stan nailed it. Totally.
Gimme your thoughts on the tone and composition ya? I understand this composition does sound very ... normal and in the typical style of power metal soloing, but yeah. Have fun!
Okay, back to the topic...
I just got a prototype Viper7 from Stan, and I plonked it into my RG7621. For those in the know, I've been very keen to try the 7 string and while very pleased with the make/fit/finish of the guitar, I've been flabberglasted (sp, I know) with the tone. While I can see the potential, I couldn't get the tone I wanted out of the 7621, and I was on the verge of selling it off, out of sheer frustration.
Good old Stan from HAS Sound, threw some 7 string prototypes my way. And he got it reallllllllll good on the Viper7. I tell you, reallllllllllll good.
I'm no longer selling the RG7621. The Viper7/Dropzone7 combination is a clear winner and the guitar is now a MONSTER.
Well, just take a listen will you?
Links (Same file)
Its an except from a song. I got carried away while composing the solo. Totally carried away. :lol:
Tone-wise, I didn't want a heavy metal thing scooped sizzle thing, just a nice, crunchy, organic, fat, clear tone. I wanted my higher voiced chords to fill the sonic spectrum enough while the low B will retain clarity and not mud out. I think Stan nailed it. Totally.
Gimme your thoughts on the tone and composition ya? I understand this composition does sound very ... normal and in the typical style of power metal soloing, but yeah. Have fun!