Shout out to all CU24-rists


Hey Guys&Gals,

Just wanting to get a feel from the ground for pickup changes you've made on your CU24s.

The HFS and Vintage Treble's are awesome pickups. But I'm thinking my CU24 looks weird with the all black pickups. Me thinks they'd look so much better with chrome covered pickups. Am considering the Dragon IIs, then again apparently the Drangon IIs arent AS awesome as the HFS and Vintage Treble. On top of that, the five way rotorary switch really shortens the options list.

Hit me up with your thoughts.

The only thing I don't like about my CU-24 pickups is that they don't have covers. I find this annoying since sometimes my hand will rub against the tape wound round it. They sound great though and I wouldn't change them. Generally I'm not a customizer though - in fact all my gear is 100% stock.
pls do note that having nickel or chrome covers isnt only to visual effect, it will taper off the high end which i feel the HFS and treble already is lacking.
Are you only limiting yourself to PRS pickups?

Most certainly not. But I do like how the PRS pickups have a very distinct voicing. It's what makes a PRS.... a PRS (lol making sense I hope). You know, like putting burstbuckers onto a CU24 would be blasphemous in my book =)
pls do note that having nickel or chrome covers isnt only to visual effect, it will taper off the high end which i feel the HFS and treble already is lacking.

hah.. no way would i put covers on the HFS man. it'll kill the HFS voicing. high end twang..? mm i think the pickups have enough for the tones i like =) but i hear a lovepedal eternity with the glass rolled all the way up is sheer brilliance. too bad they're hard to come across now. not to mention i'm BROKE. lol.
Funny :) I am thinking to change Dragon II from my CU22 to HFS/VB open pickups.

Many PRS owners praise bareknuckle pickups but they are not cheap.
id say why not try john suhr pickups, arent that expensive and sound really good. and btw i hardly think pickups are PRS' strong suit, well, not until the 57/08 set was launched. heard plenty of bad stuff abt the dragon and other sets and tried the hfs/vintage with my prs and swapped them out. id say what makes a prs is their high qc, amazing tops and contours, and how stable and work ready the guitars are, tune up and ready to go.
Agreed with pentatonic on the pickups part with regards to PRS...

Having a different set of pickups on a PRS can really open up the sound... I've never liked PRS guitars, for one, until I tried a few loaded with lindy fralins and stan hinesleys. Suddenly that compressed "choked" tone was gone and the guitar seemed to open up and become a tad livelier. Not bad.
yeap u got the nail on it's head. the PRS pickups, good as they maybe, somehow doesnt seem to do the dense woody guitar justice. it in fact does sound a lil chocked.

i was thinking abt lindy's. mmm... lindy's...

Agreed with pentatonic on the pickups part with regards to PRS...

Having a different set of pickups on a PRS can really open up the sound... I've never liked PRS guitars, for one, until I tried a few loaded with lindy fralins and stan hinesleys. Suddenly that compressed "choked" tone was gone and the guitar seemed to open up and become a tad livelier. Not bad.
just my 2 cents worth here.

ive tried both the dragons IIs (swapping them out now) as well as the stock HFS/VB configuration. like everyone's been mentioning, they both sound rather choked. however each has rather different voice. the stock HFS/VB setup has a more vintage character as compared to the modern grungier dragon IIs.

swapping them is an option but bear in mind that the HFS/VB was chosen specifically for the 24, and hence dragon IIs wouldn't be as suited for the intended purpose.

i'd recommend WCRs Godwood and Darkburst set. Awesome open sound which covers vintage to modern easily with loads of top-end clarity. unleashes the beast. pricey though as with all things coveted :mrgreen:
the 57/08s are awesome too. you know the problem with these :mrgreen:

here's a vid to wet your appetite:

yeap u got the nail on it's head. the PRS pickups, good as they maybe, somehow doesnt seem to do the dense woody guitar justice. it in fact does sound a lil chocked.

i was thinking abt lindy's. mmm... lindy's...

for me, the one that really did it for me was the Stan Hinelsey legacy and scorpion on Daniel Sassoon's PRS....that one just kills! Articulate, woody, very diggable and wide open with a focused attitude... i find most of the other booteek brands just have wayy too much mids that gets in the way sometimes....IMO

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