Should i upgrade my pickups or start building on my pedal ?


New member
As mention above,any comments?
If i were to build on pedal ? what should i get ? all i know is i need a distortion pedal and a equaliser. the rest im not sure.

For pickups im also not very sure about it.

I go for bands like muse,paramore,chemical romance,fall out boy etc.
Thanks in advance:D
yeah coz my guitar died on me hours ago and am going to repair tomorrow. thats why i want to finalize about what to get.
sorry about the post :X
Ummm. Get a better amp. Since hypothetically, the amp makes up 70% of your tone. But in your case, maybe you should get a better pedal, but that will also be dependent on what guitar you're using, so what guitar are you using?
fender blacktop telecaster.
i got a marshell 15W amp.
i think the amp original distortion is not bad (Y)
Hmm it is usable if you tweak it right I guess. My suggestion is that if you wanna get your distortion tone from your pedals, get a decent tube amp with nice cleans. Ok but for now, the pickups in the tele should be fine. Since you like your amp's distortion you might want to consider one of the Marshall distortion pedals, should go well with the amp i guess.
tubes are hard to maintain right? i read it from the net.and somehow its quite expensive.
yeah, marshell distortion.anyone know where to purchase from ? :D
i got myself a hi gain monster few days ago and it works fine i guess.
Not really, if you know how to take them of them they should last you a couple of years. Marshall pedal's can be purchased from Davis. But your hi gain monster should do the job fine.
maybe will consider tube amp after improvement. for now will consider upgrading to bareknuckle pickup instead.
I think the fender stock pickups would be decent. Fender has a reputation of putting in good pups unlike most of the ibanezes out there. if you;re looking for a good distortion sound changing the pickups won't make much of a diff cos your amp probably still churn out the same sound as before.