should i get a telecaster?

this headstock is definitely big...

MrE said:
hilmano said:
alex(frontman) uses the humbucker fender telecaster deluxe. huge headstock, but wonderful sound nonetheless.

hmm... tele with humbuckers, sure. but never seen a telecaster with a huge headstock before. :?

check out Steve Morse's mongrel tele for humbucks, sgl coils and big headstock galore...8)
i am using a fender MIJ Tl-43.
based on personal experience. Its best to play as many teles as you can before narrowing into one.
Take note of the neck profile , its far more tiring for me to play on a tele to a strat or paul.
Next , the bridge and saddles do affect the tele tones. The modern types consist of 6 saddles and the vintage types of 3 barrels ( brass , steel , titanium saddles , each different sounding ). Playing strapped on , top horn at the navel gets uncomfy to palm mute and strum . really weirdo hand angle , i call it the tele elbow , if you had the chance , look at some Caracal photos with Gabriel playing his thinline.

I love telecasters. Didn't really find a reason to play the other types after owning a tele.