Shoes related to old school rockers


New member
guyz , is this shoes related to old school rockers? I just wanna know how many of you agree this is , and this is not :) or not even old school rockers , modern rockers too , or metalheads :) If you have other shoes , feel free to post it here.

Ok , haha. I know its related somehow , but I didn't know in what years haha , its one of my dream shoes though , but my dream shoes were adidas.
Haha , yeah I have the feelings this shoes are more to the Thrash side , indeed I was right haha , anybody have other shoes ? haha
Old school death metal too. In fact you can spot some 80's malay rock bands with them too. Tight jeans tucked inside and let the shoes' "tongue" out and you are ready to be an old school 80's rocker wannabe.
Haha yeah , tucked the jeans in haha. Where did you bought that adidas shoe? > taufiqrocker

i got it from far east plaza long time ago . .

u won't believe how it looks like now . ahahahah
that picture was taken 2 yrs ago . . now the shoe has totally worn out as hell ! hahaha
taufiq rocker really like your adidas and new balance shoe but the puma one looks like racing shoe..........:mrgreen:
taufiq rocker really like your adidas and new balance shoe but the puma one looks like racing shoe..........:mrgreen:

hahaha that adidas i saw one of kreator's band member using it .
the new balance is currently i'm using it now . . puma ? long gone hahahaha that shoe was 6 years ago . haha
and i'm going to get my hands on reebok classic soon :D
Anyone knows how to make a white shoe like mine , it isnt that white , its like yellow-white , I wanna make it quite white , any idea how ?
I have these but ... I don't have long hair anymore so I don't really wear them anymore ...


Plus it's abit too RAD and LOUD for me now[/rislow]
am wondering , usually ppl who's interested in this kind of shoe listens to thrash and heavy metal right ? so anyone listens to helloween ? i mean the old helloween with kiske and kai and ingo :D

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