Haha okok , I was thinking of buying a NIKE highcut. Its not the sports one , it looks like a normal footwear. But I'm not sure if the brands suits thrash/heavy metal style.
How much does that Adidas cost? 150+ ? I'm trying to get a cheap one haha , as in affordable , i'm still quite new to metal though haha , so i guess i'll buy the NIKE first then maybe if it wears off , i'll buy the adidas u said.
i like playing barefooted
i think its ard 147 or something uh . .
How much does that Adidas cost? 150+ ? I'm trying to get a cheap one haha , as in affordable , i'm still quite new to metal though haha , so i guess i'll buy the NIKE first then maybe if it wears off , i'll buy the adidas u said.
Haha okok , I was thinking of buying a NIKE highcut. Its not the sports one , it looks like a normal footwear. But I'm not sure if the brands suits thrash/heavy metal style.