Shoe Brands for Rocker/Metalheads

Crocs in bright pink. :mrgreen:

Shoes doesn't matter for me since I also prefer playing barefoot. But I'd choose boots because they look commanding, strong, tough and mean. But it's gotta be fake leather. I don't like the way living dinosaurs are being killed off for their hide.
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How bout NIKE ? LoL i know them haha , it was my friend yea hes new to metal and stuffs , and he wants to buy a shoe. LOL
Do shoes really matter? I mean, i dont care if you're wearing those 2 dollars blue/white ahpek slippers as long as the music is good.

Must learn to create your own style yeah.

I just wear whatever shoe that I have at the time. Last time i wear those 20 dollar black business shoes from Mustafa Center. Now Im wearing my DVS sneakers that I use for skating.
the title of this thread screams POSEUR to me.

why the heck would u need a shoe brand to be rock or metal???
Hahha you don't really need a brand to be rocker or metalhead..Just wear whatever styles that suits the genre of metal you are into.

But than again to fulfil your request of this post...I always see thrash metalheads wearing those sneakers high cut kinds like from adidas or reebok kind, with big tongue.And yea they tuck their jeans into these sneakers,thsoe from the early thrash metal bands.
I'd like a pair of Onitsuka Tigers, but their ex.

Perhaps i'd settle for this.


At first i thought it was kinda ugly, but its actually pretty sweet.

Hahha you don't really need a brand to be rocker or metalhead..Just wear whatever styles that suits the genre of metal you are into.

But than again to fulfil your request of this post...I always see thrash metalheads wearing those sneakers high cut kinds like from adidas or reebok kind, with big tongue.And yea they tuck their jeans into these sneakers,thsoe from the early thrash metal bands.

yeah, the old rocker look =D