Shirlyn Tan


New member

All of you who like good music, check out own home-grown Shirlyn Tan (vocalist for the local band The UnXpectd). She and her band are regulars at Wala Wala and Timbre and she's been in the scene for more than 10 years, and in my opinion, quite underrated and under-appreciated. She's just released her debut album "Newfound Jealousy" and will be doing a gig on 7th April (this Saturday) at the Esplanade outdoor theatre. FOC for the 8.30 concert so do show up and support our own ultra talented singer/song-writer.

Great acoustic rock songs and pop/rock numbers are her forte. Check out the song "Couldn't We Try" from her and you'll understand her song-writing skills and awesome vocals. She's proof that our little island can churn out something more than those lousy Idols and (the more thoroughly irritating) Idol rejects. (If Sylvester Sim and Paul Twoballs are considered rock, then Olivia Newton-John is Thrash Metal). CDs are available at HMV and other good music outlets.

Show some love people.
even if you're to promote some local talents, please don't criticise/insult other 'local talents' in the process. Your first paragraph was great, the end of your 2nd para is a turn-off, and your last sentence is confusing... show some love for one, while showing some dislike for a few?
Come on dude, chill. If you love Twoballs or other Idols, it's fine. I'm just stating my opinion and I personally do believe that there are people who are doing music for the love of it and there are people who are doing it for the sake of being famous. It just irks me, that's all. And I know, it sounds very juvenile, but the music scene on this little island needs more support and for not just those who are doing what Hillary Duff and Paris Hilton are doing across the pond. And hey, I really think that Jonathan Leong has a good voice. And to clarify, show love to those are doing music for the love of it, sans the popularity because of a pretty face.
I hope you hate me because I want to do music that will make me super famous and singapore minister-like rich.

I also hope that in whatever you do that you do it for free. Because without people like you there will never ever be a poor reason to be a poor musician.

BTW, Shirlyn is someone I have some respect for. Good luck to her.


PS - I LOVE GOLD TAPs - especially on my guitars!!!!!
Minister-like rich. Lol. Nice one dude. And you mistake me for pointing out those hungry for popularity and those doing it more money. Some great pub bands are doing it for the money and the music and some are not as popular as they should be. I'm just a biased (yes, I am human) against some of those tetter-totters representing Singapore's music.
life's like that :)

if everyone thinks the same way as u do, why do u think there are wars fought in history :)

food for thoughts..
Well said my man. Well said. We, as human beings, just love conflict, don't we? No matter how small or insignificant it is, as long as it's something to disagree on.

But the topic for this thread has gone off-topic. My apologies, I kiinda started it. It should be about Shirlyn and her new journey she's taking with her music. Let's all just settle our differences elsewhere and show her support eh fellas?
I manage to come down Esplanade to catch her.
Man, really really awesome.
Every single one of them were kick-ass, especially the drummer.
Kudos to Shirlyn and the band.
hmm paul twoballs? bahahhaah tts funny! in my opinion, these ppl perhaps can sing and yea will gain recognition. but truly, they're more than often- plainly overrated. i believe there much more talented ppl who deserve more attention and are not publicised at all.

'show some love'...brilliant line:)
Managed to catch her yesterday @ Esplanade. Great lineup, music and of course power vox from Shirlyn. She's definitely a different gal from the time she sang in my band XXPO in Europa Music Bar back in 1996. Pretty good that time but her vox has matured overtime tremendously and she's just awesome now. Not only can she write good materials for her album but she can now play the guitar as well! Kudos to her and i wish her all the best. I was there also to watch Brandon live to pick up some tips for my "conversion process journey" (gtr>drums)...hee

...btw, bought her CD, asked her to autograph "To my ex-guitarist of XXPO"...only then she recognised me...ha ha (mind you, it's been 10 over years and i've changed hairstyle from curly messy to rebond straight)

Anyway, my favourite track from her album is Walk Away...check it out good people. And to Shirlyn, ROCK ON GIRL...! :supz:
Minister-like rich? Someone should write a book on how to do that. I'm also curious :)

But music industry wise- probably a better idea to be a promoter than a muso, trust me, statistically its better for your pocket
was around esplanade yesterday at around 9.45ish, i think i managed to catch her performing her last set. it was amazing, and her covers of muse and mr.big were brilliantly done (especially mr.big's number) pity i didnt get to see her earlier sets yesterday.

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