shinya from dir en grey


same opinion here..haha...

but seriously man..the lead singer look like marilyn manson sometimes..i dont find him chio...
eh paiseh.. nothing nothing.. haha i thought that was a recent post.. until i saw the date u posted it.. ya i still have it in my pm. but expired already =( i think i forgot to dl it..
shinya is good, but not the fastest..
Perharps yoshiki quit drumming, or he would be the fastest,
dir en grey rocks.. my alternative to x
taiji said:
shinya is good, but not the fastest..
Perharps yoshiki quit drumming, or he would be the fastest,
dir en grey rocks.. my alternative to x

should do your research before posting such things. Yoshiki is no where near the fastest.
jrock is lame.. and shinya is gay.
I never mean that in a good way.

Fruck shinya... he has a double bass drum kit and I never hear a 5 second blast out of them.
Sad waste of wood.
Pity Ludwig for wasting their kit on him.
eh, dont diss the j rock scene.... u have ur personal preferences, so do we...
and if we wanna look gay on stage, thats our problem, not yours...
all the way shinya! damn i love it when he plays his drums. :lol: Who cares what those that cant appreciate says? just love what you like most! :P nothing wrong.
sometimes pictures alone is kinda misleading. well watch the PV and concert and maybe you'll realise why do they want to be visual. take malice mizer for example every member got a role in the band. mana (guitar) as a maid, kozi (guitar) as a joker, kami (drums) ship captain, etc.. there's story in their concert, kinda like musical, they must know how to perform and act on stage as well.

you'll find that if you introduce jrock to others, you'll always receive replies like, is this a guy or girl? is he gay or ah gua? think a little deeper, they're also humans, guys and why do they want to be like that? not because simply they want to be ah gua oh god.. nowadays music is not just purely on playing music.. it's also about art, design and creativity.. and all this merge together with the modern music today..
You got a point there. But it doesn't take away the fact that he still looks like a flaming faggot to many people.