Sharing intimate pictures of my latest girl friend


My newest love,

Her name is Blackwater, so dark and mysterious....


The rest of the porn here :
Ah, cool.

Might wanna consider the speed knobs to bell knobs or reflectors with silver inserts, just to up the 'class' factor lol.

On the non-cosmetic side of things, how does she sound?

The only other Gibson Les Paul I have is the Joe Bonamassa Studio so I'm going to attempt to compare them. They sound really different from each other.

Overall the Blackwater sounds brighter and thinner than the JB. I think it has a "modern" type sound while the JB is much more mellow and thicker sounding (vintage sounding?). They both do not sound like my Ibanez 2550z.

I also feel that JB beats the Blackwater when it comes to dynamics, sustain and body resonance, though not by much. This may be attributed to the weight relief method.

Playability wise, Blackwater's neck is thinner than JB's neck and is much lighter. And of course due to the Piezo in the Blackwater shes much more versatile.
Mind sharing where & how you managed to get hold of such a beauty. Local shops don't really have anything close but when they do, they are somehow ridiculously priced!!

Thanks a zill.

*Ah Nep

I got this off ebay. But its pretty rare there as well, I was searching for this for 4 months before 1 came up in Mint condition. Aside from this you can also check Rakuten (just google rakuten) japan. Many shops there will ship over to Singapore too, though the prices there are usually higher than those in the US but they will be still cheaper than the prices at our local Gibson distributor.
Hi, LKL.

Thanks but really never had experienced buying from e-bay..Have too many concerns! :(
Good for you to have it in your hands, finally.

Rakuten? Ok, will check it out.

Thanks for your time, buddy.

Have fun!

Ah Nep
imagine the case where you have to refund your item to the seller (not as described, item damaged etc). you lose $ when you have to mail the item back. happened to me once. lost money in the 7% GST + the shipping cost back. BURN!
imagine the case where you have to refund your item to the seller (not as described, item damaged etc). you lose $ when you have to mail the item back. happened to me once. lost money in the 7% GST + the shipping cost back. BURN!

Well of course there's some risk involved, but I would say use ebay for things that you cant get easily locally or only if the item is priced exorbitantly at local retailers.

Standard fare just support the local shops.