Sevenfalls - TOOLISH new stuff (beta version 1)


New member
hey guys! we've put up a new song up on our myspace at the working title for it is called 'Toolish'.

anyway, it's just an excerpt and first draft of the song and it excludes the vox and bass as well as other parts of it. we thought it would be cool to post up the song in its different stages of progress as we make changes to its structure, etc in the future. so for now, enjoy 'Toolish' beta version 1

ps: watch this thread for future updates for the progress of Toolish. just don't wait on it tho. lol! :wink:
ohhhh i like very much!

sorry to bring the geek factor in, but how did you guys record? (in particular, the drums cos they sound sweet!)
haha. txs!
its recorded on a macbook using logic express, guitar rig 2 and the drums are arranged through toontrack's ezdrummer. hope that helps!
hey i used ezdrummer too for my recordings at but your drums sound so much better!

how did you input your drums, did you key it into the piano roll directly or did you use e-drums or an MPC device? what drumkit from ezdrummer did you use? i used the nashville set for my recordings haha..

okok pm me or smth if this is getting out of point for this thread..(:
When I saw the title I thought it was a Tool-ish song, i.e. influenced by Tool. Then I realized it was the title. Haha!

Sounds more Killswitch Engage than Tool, but I like. Loving the riffs. I'm so gonna catch you guys live the next time I can!
you got it half right there! we actually kinda thought that some of the clean parts sounded kinda Tool-ish. and add to the fact that Tool is playing in the background while we were trying to come up with ideas, we used 'Toolish' as a temporary working title for this song. lol
I rikes the riffage. Very nice buildup from the intro.

Playing a show anytime soon...? :twisted:

(also I know this is damn out of point, but your myspace profile, the words a beeet hard to read)