Setting up a 'kids, mom & pop' guitar store


New member
Hey all

The wife has suggested I look into setting up a friendly 'kids, mom & pop' guitar store.

Nothing fancy. Something simple like an "Intro to the Gtr" store dealing in affordable gear etc.

I have done a few intro FREE lessons to kids before and I'm considering givin lessons like these as part of the stores offerings. I dont do guitar repairs & such but if this kicks-off, an idea is to tie-up with some stores etc.

This. being my passion/hobby, I'm seriously considering.

Arrrgh!! Questions, questions, ....
Anyone has any experiences and thoughts to share?
Can one set-up something like this in a HDB flat?
How much capital am i looking at?
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hmm... a bit hard to do so la. that one won't have many customers that will come across the region. Not all people in the heartlands are into rock music or bother playing the guitar.

Perhaps maybe somewhere more central but not too near the other guitar shops would be more adviseable. At the same time don't stop at gutiars. offer basses, keys, drums, mikes, amps, etc. Mainly like "Rock Band For Beginners?" Lol :p
I don't think you can set up a shop in a flat man, it's illegal if I'm not wrong, unless you operate via the Internet only
keeping gear affordable is the tough part...

have you encountered a lot of kids that want to learn but cant find gear that they can afford?
"kids, mom & pop store" means its a "family-run" shop.

I've seen/heard kids who can barely play, parting with $$$ and not really knowing what they're in for. I was one of them.

The affordable part is important as an introductory/baptism to the guitar world.
(Affordable = basic bare-bones gear/stuff). I was at Penin just know and the prices are SCARY!!

I'm thinking along the lines of offering intro/basic lesson(s) to the world of rock gtr to those inclined and then let them decide. They can come for a one-on-one session using my gear at my HDB apartment. At the same time, sell gear too but not on a large scale.

Small money to be made but you gotta start somewhere. :cool:

Why not create a blogshop selling affordable guitars? Then ask contacts to spread the blog around..

And advertise your guitar lessons via flyers and stuff? I think it'd be more cost efficient.