Serious bassist and drummer needed, not for the weak.


New member
we're playing a new genre of Death metal and Post Hardcore. Our genre's name is Post- Deathcore.

we need a drummer that can compose drum-lines and bassist who can at least play scales and above everything.. we need Commitment.

Me and my 3 guitarists are kinda sick of delaying band meetings and jamming sessions because of commitment issues and the "suddenly something came up". All we need is just 2 days from you to commit. 1 for band meeting and draft composition and 1 for jamming.we already have a few originals and we wanna start going for competitions and gigs already.

Lemme emphasize that we're a serious band and I'm looking for those who want to see themselves playing on stage in front of audiences not just in Singapore but in the world stage. I've been in alot of bands before and I'm really sick and frustrated about the "promises" they give such as " we'll record an album in xxx, we'll have a gig in xxx" at frist everyone agrees but in the end there's no response because noone puts in any effort at all. It just wastes everyone's time and money. I want this band to achieve.. make something happen. and I can't do it alone, i need everyone's effort. so those of you who think they can't commit and sacrifice you time for the sake of music and achieving your dreams to be on the world stage,you can just close this window and ignore the message.

But for those who's interested, you can contact me at or call/sms my number, 92376664

sorry for being harsh but from the way I see the local music scene today.. we aren't really getting anywhere in the world. But I wanna make it happen, a Singaporean band playing together on tours with world renowned bands on a world class event.