Sepultura... anyone?


New member
Just curious... any fans of the band here? Well, they kinda lost me with the "Roots" album and also especially the exit of Max Cavalera. Also, are the albums with Derrick Green singing any good at all?

Thoughts? Views? Opinions?
Oh yeah! The Seps...

Classic era Sepultura albums are Beneath the Remains, Arise and Chaos AD - you're right - the Roots album was a vast departure from their (ironically) thrash/speed metal roots, encompassing their whim for traditional tribal rhythms and percussion of their forefathers/countrymen which alienated alot of their traditional fanbase.

Highpoints of the albums above include:

- Beneath The remains
- Inner Self
- Mass Hypnosis

- Arise
- Dead Embryonic Cells
- Desperate Cry
- Under Siege (Regnum Irae)

Chaos AD
- Territory
- Refuse/Resist

For me, Chaos AD was a weaker album and marked the downturn of their studio heyday.

I don't like the Derek Green albums - his vocal style is too hardcore shouty, With the departure of Max, i felt their thrash element (which had all but expired anyway) would never return.
Im a Big Fan of Max Cavalera!! :twisted: :twisted:
Well i quite enjoyed his last album with Sepultura, Roots. But its nothing compared to their earlier releases.

Well have you checked out Max latest album? Soulfly: Dark Ages?
Definitely a good comeback for max...Worth a listen. Just got the cd yesteday, and listening to it for the 5th time 8)

Well i dont really followup the band releases after getting the Sepultura: Against album....Sounds shit to me though...No offence

Well, if u like the way sepultura play during the earlier releases with max, the Soulfly Dark Ages is a must have.
Got all the Seps albums up until "Roots", which I felt that they were kinda trying hard to blend into the metal scene then... Same goes for the 1st Soulfly album immediately after Max's departure from Sepultura, which I never really enjoy as well. So since then, I have actually stopped checking out all Sep album (with Derrick Green) and subesquent Soulfly albums.

Jr-V said:
YWell, if u like the way sepultura play during the earlier releases with max, the Soulfly Dark Ages is a must have.
So how would you compare "Dark Ages" to earlier Sepultura albums? Like "Arise"? Or "Beneath The Remains"? I've heard one song from the Roadrunner CD sampler but still I'm pretty skeptic now.

I remember me and my friends used to jam on "Territory" and "Propaganda" from the album "Chaos AD" during jam sessions last time... Fun times indeed! :lol:
I would say it sounded in between Chaos A.D and Beneath the Remains. Well they minimised the use of those exotic intruments in their Previous Soulfly releases.

But then its kinda hard to explain. Listen to Belive.

Well if u wanna have some samples to listen, PM me then.
FYI- Sepultura was in the same recording studio with Korn when they recorded the ROOTS release, listen carefully & you'll hear tonal similarities between Korn's debut & the aforementioned album- they shared amps & pedals. 8)
As a semi-interesting footnote, the recording of Beneath The Remains was engineered and produced by a certain Scott Burns, who had as much to do with the success of Sepultura's killer sound as the songwriting, attitude and performance of the band. Scott was a major presence on the early death metal scene and IMHO produced some of the genre's finest moments, never matched since.
subversion said:
FYI- Sepultura was in the same recording studio with Korn when they recorded the ROOTS release, listen carefully & you'll hear tonal similarities between Korn's debut & the aforementioned album- they shared amps & pedals. 8)

I believed they sorta used the same producer, Ross Robinson as well. Plus Jonathan Davis also guested on one song.

PS: Jr-V, thanks for the samples! Will listen to it once the boss-man is gone from the office! :twisted:
haha... it doesnt matter to me... i have been and always will be a sepultura hardcore fan... "Roorback" was their latest album and they are gonna release their next album called "Dante XI"... I felt with roorback they teleported to a whole different sort of genre... More thrash metallish... haha... go check out "Mindwar" by Sepultura... really easy song yet really fun song both to listen to and to play on the guitar...
If I remember correctly by listening to Ria Rock some time back, the Dj mentioned about the possibility of Max coming back to Sepultura. But I don't think thats gonna happen anytime soon. Cause by watching his interview on , Max really doesn't wanna talk about the topic. :?

Man ever since Max left Sepultura I kinda felt the spark fading off. To me it's just plain chemistry. Max need to be with Sepultura to bring back that thrash insanity. Well thats my 2 cents worth I guess. :?
i only listened to a few songs from them..... i like.... but i just like the logo more... hahaha the tribal 'S'........
vernplum said:
As a semi-interesting footnote, the recording of Beneath The Remains was engineered and produced by a certain Scott Burns, who had as much to do with the success of Sepultura's killer sound as the songwriting, attitude and performance of the band. Scott was a major presence on the early death metal scene and IMHO produced some of the genre's finest moments, never matched since.

i respect Burns' vision, but his guitar production is a little too thin...
Azlan u mean this? :lol:


It looks more like a centipede to me. :twisted:
I've never really been a huge fan of Sepultura and I'm not sure why. I too, stopped listening to them ever since Max left the band, and I don't own any Soulfly albums either. For me their finest hour would have to be Arise and Chaos A.D. cos I think they really came into their own on those albums. Beneath The Remains was good, but it still sounded generic maybe because of the whole slew of bands that came out from the Tampa, Florida scene at the time having pretty much that same 'Scott Burns' sound. With Roots, you can see Korn's influence infiltrating their music at the time, what more with Ross Robinson as producer and I'm also not really a fan of excessive percussive/tribal influences with metal. So that album left me with a lukewarm feeling at best.

But hey, like anyone else, I'd rather see Max go back to being in Sepultura. It's true, when there is a certain chemistry that sparks some magic in a band, it wouldn't be the same if the line up of that band changes. Chemistry plays a big part in a band.

But Mathematics plays a bigger part in Meshuggah and The Dillinger Escape Plan. :?:
judaspiss said:
With Roots, you can see Korn's influence infiltrating their music at the time, what more with Ross Robinson as producer and I'm also not really a fan of excessive percussive/tribal influences with metal.
Same sentiments exactly. With "Chaos A.D.", the tribal influences although is there, are still not as "in-your-face". In fact, I can totally enjoy "Chaos A.D." til today and it was in fact the album that got me interested in the band. However, with "Roots", the influences heard are definitely more obvious. And plus the Korn-influence was definitely a major turn-off for me at that point.

judaspiss said:
I've never really been a huge fan of Sepultura and I'm not sure why.
I love their music... but somehow some of the way-too-simple lyrics just sorta got lost on me most of time! Maybe it's becuz the English language was never their 1st language back home when they just started out.
Schizo quite ok.

LoL. Listen to their first album. Morbid Visions.
Very raw...The guitar are out of tune abit and the double pedal not that constant.

But cool stuff.

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