sending aux out from 2 different mixer


New member
hi, would like to ask:

is it possible to send aux out from 2 different mixer to a set of floor monitors?

kindly advise. thanks!
Can you explain why are you planning to do this? I mean, what are you trying to achieve so that we can advice you accordingly.
sorry guys, guess my description was too brief. here it goes:

i'm doing sound for a NGO event which have no budget for sound rental, so i'm actually borrowing mixers from friends. need some advise to see what i'm doing is the right things. :D

the venue that we are using is a MPH with a decent sound system, just that there is drama and band performance, so the mixer is not able to handle so many channels. so what i am doing is that i'm borrowing 2 mixer, term it A & B.

so i'm connect A to channel 1&2 of the MPH mixer and B to 3&4 of the MPH mixer. so problem is, my mixer A will be used solely for band, and mixer B for my all other mics needed for drama/MC etc.

i need to send out aux from A & B so that my band can hear the singer and vice versa via the monitors. so how do i go about doing it? :D thanks for all help!
Since you have 2 mixers, and essentially, you want to get more channels, hence you have two mixers..

You can use one mixer as a submixer.

Basically, mixer A (band) & mixer B (Drama/emcee/vox)

Depending how many channels you have on mixer A, leave 2 free channels on mixer A so that you can route the master output (L and R) of mixer B to the two free channels on mixer A. Like this u have a stereo submix of your vocals in that 2 channels.. and from Mixer A, you can send your vocal submix and band mix together on ur various aux sends.
hi dude3d30,

thanks for the help. can i clarify smth?

Say if my Mixer B L&R is to my Mixer A #1&2, that means the master of Mixer B is #1&2 of my Mixer A right?
beejay, that is correct.

BTW, how many channels do you need altogether?

I need about 9# to mic up my band, 6# for my wireless sets, 2# for my backup vocalists, 2# for playback devices, total needing about 19#.

beejay, that is correct.

BTW, how many channels do you need altogether?