Selling satchurator n cathedral for fuzz factory??


New member
what you guys think about selling a satchurator and a ehx cathedral for a zvex hp fuzz factory. Since the tone of fuzz factory can works as a distortion pedal and im nt using cathedral anyway.
I'd like to see you make the Fuzz Factory sound like a Satchurator. But anyway, DO IT. The Cathedral is a solid reverb though. And questions like this on the forum are "lolwut-worthy", decide by your own needs.
yeah. definitely nt. satchurator is just another pedal with a different sound. just kind of bored with that sound. :???: i cant bear to sell my cathedral too. it's just cool but the fuzz factory is really ex. so i may have to consider selling pedals that i dont use that much. alternatively i could just SAVE MORE MONEY. zzz.
Do you have any idea how a fuzz factory works? There are plenty of quirks with it; its pretty tough to dial in a good sound but when you do, it screams! Take note that from its name, the fuzz factory is indeed a fuzz, albeit a modern one. Its not your straight up fuzz like the big muff, more of a squealing, splattering, ripping one, more prone to making crazy noises to usable ones. It is NOT a distortion pedal ala the Satchurator, and does things only a fuzz pedal can do.

Do not trade simply cause of the price difference that makes it a good deal; rather you have NEED or WANT of the particular object of trade (unless selling it to make a profit was your intention). Best way to expect what's coming from your side of the bargain is to head down to Blackwood and take on the fuzz factory yourself.
^ Now, let's not discourage the man from entering the world of near-uncontrollable oscillation and ear-splitting tones.
thanks for the suggestions! Nah, now i changed my mind. not goin to trade or what. just gonna try it out and save money for one. thanks peeps

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