Self Relic "fender Custom Shop" look Lespaul Body need some comments!


New member
Hi all,

I've try to creat a "fender custom shop" relic look, giving it a more vintage aged look. If you like relic, than hope all of you can give some comments =)

I'll try it on a stratocaster for my next project.

Letting this pcs go to.

For more details or interested party pls email me at Thanks!




if ur going for the vintage aged look, well i've never seen any old fenders or gibsons age that way.
were u trying to recreate what AXL guitars did for their badwater series? :P
Haha, Selling cos I'm wanna buy strat body =)

I didnt noe tt axl badwaters did tt. haha Its my first time encounter with axl. Will check it out. I just wan a more special finish for my lespaul body. =)
Everyone will have sex for the first time, ones, but that doesn't mean you were the first one to do it .....
Authentic Fender Custom Shop relic



Don't mind me being honest, but it looks like your paintjob gone way off and the cracks are quite unsightly to me. No offences intended. Just merely how I feel when looking at it.
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Don't mind me being honest, but it looks like your paintjob gone way off and the cracks are quite unsightly to me. No offences intended. Just merely how I feel when looking at it.

there will be ppl who will think its nice..

i think one of the nicest les paul relics i've seen is jimmy page's les paul.


this is his actual les paul. not some signature model or a copy
Relic is supposed to be a lil chip off here and there, exposing the wood underneath & give the guitar some character with the wear and tear condition.

I love Fender relic pieces, especially their NOS line and the new road worn series.
Relic is supposed to be a lil chip off here and there, exposing the wood underneath & give the guitar some character with the wear and tear condition.

yes, i agree with that.

so technically that guitar aint a "relic"

but then again, its part of the overall look he has given to the guitar, i'm very sure there are ppl who will find it cool. everyone has different opinions.

imo i like les pauls classy. so i dont beat them up.
I prefer the weathered one, so I will be able to whack it more than the classy one. I believe everyone got their "new guitar" syndrome whereby they just bought the guitar and it is in 10/10 condition so they play it nice and soft and slow and try not to tarnish the hardware and the finishing and keep them inside the case to prevent dirt and dust from settling on it.

For me, I prefer those I can just take it out and whack it and swing it and spin with it without worrying it will break down.

This one is cool, imo.

Thanks guys for the comments. Guess my work is not up to the standard of gibson, way behind it =)

Hope to improve in my job.
Oh Nero182, The crack didnt go out of control or off. I deliberately make it tt way. I add in massive crack, as for the back i finish with light + mid texture =)
yeah a relic means it should look old and bashed up.
sorry but yours seems like a egg shell getting cracked =X
but its unique in a way.:mrgreen: