Seen any Cows around?

Lol... I noticed them too... Rather cute... Might try you guys' idea to steal one of them and bring it home too.. lol...

What is it about again? I dun understand...
hellmurderer said:
Lol... I noticed them too... Rather cute... Might try you guys' idea to steal one of them and bring it home too.. lol...

What is it about again? I dun understand...

Some new ad campaign to advertise something, haha. Its called 'Moove Is More' if im not wrong, the same slogan that the splatter on the taxis with the cow tails. Heard somethin about it on the radio this morning, but was too groggy to pay more attention.
can someone please take the time to position the cows along CTE so it looks like one cow is humping another cow? maybe do a few pairs of cows that way?

it will really brighten up my drive to work tmrw.. thank you. gd night.
me, BlackMoo shall set out to reveal the truth, that the cows are actually spy camera to activate nukes which will be used to wipe out mars and the martians come to singapore and kill us and cut our legs ouff and damn i need to cut down on the drinks.
those cows are supposedly a marketing campaign for the mooove in more comfort cab campaign. or at leasrt, thats what i heard