Seekz Stompers Punchtone available @ Ebenex Music


New member
We're pleased to announce the official launch of the Seekz Stompers Punchtone distortion pedal at Ebenex Music.

It is going for only $199 and initial reviews have been great.

Our dear friend, Daniel (Shredcow) has tried it and I remember he had some good things to say about it.

Feel free to check it out in our shop at 138A East Coast Road.
Yeah sorry for the delay. I've been trying to get better quality finishes
from this enclosure maker from the us.

So to those who tried, its looks different now.
But everything else is the same. Will definitely get some sound samples done.

Hope it doesnt look to shabby. paiseh, too excited already,
so i used handphone camera


I really really really liked this pedal! Went to ebenex thrice to try this out..
But sorry seekz! I wanted the classic rock kinda tone..
Tough choice between an MIJ DS-1 and this.. Ended up getting the DS-1 cause I had something similar to your pedal..
But really, an outstanding piece of equipment! :mrgreen:
MIS tags will be popping around here soon :p

does it sound the same as the time i tried it?(before u took it back for bass tweaking)
soldi: Modded already. Cos I was using a 12" speaker previously when i was using it, so it actually felt really "full" when I originally designed it.
Didn't expect it to sound so bassy on smaller amps. LoL

sub: sure, I'm trying to speed up production now, will contact you as soon as its available.

godspeed: no problem, you couldn't buy it yet then also what, cos it wasnt ready yet.

actually I'm just trying to "build a good mousetrap" and see if the world will come check it out instead of using hype to sell.

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