Security Checks @ MRT Stations


New member
ummm hello. i'm not sure how many of you have been stopped for your hardcases and/or effects before..

it's pretty funny when they stare at the stompboxes. to any uninitiated person, what would a metallic box with buttons and knobs look like besides a bomb?
If that is the case, Landmine pedals will probably freak them out. That and an M-16 guitar in your hardcase.

Might win a free ride to cantoment.
If that is the case, Landmine pedals will probably freak them out. That and an M-16 guitar in your hardcase.

Landmine pedals. That's a good one.:lol::lol:

Once had a security guard come up to me, just bought a rockstand. He came over to ask me what it was. Well, wasn't really a check, but sure caught a few guards' eyes with the huge bag.
i told the security that the my ipod was the detonator and the big muff was actually a big bomb
i got stopped by a security guard b4 cos my bag was too huge. in it was a multi effects pedal and a hell lot of cables. they opened the bag and was shocked. lol damn funny to see they're facial expression. but after i pointed out that it was a guitar effects processor, they let me off. lol funny stuff
LOL just today i saw a guy being stopped and he had a landmine pedal in his pedal board. HAHAHA. Must be hard trying to explain. ROFL!
i remember my keyboardist was bringing his keyborad in a DIY bag up a bus to school and the bus driver stopped him. hehehe funny stuff. but at MRT stations, not experiences yet.
After all these years, i haven't experienced a single security check. But i did have kaypoh aunties staring at me then asking "Uh... Girl ah, donch mind me asking hor... What is this ah?" so i just go "Um... Guitar equipment" and they're like "ohhh...." *continues to stare*
I had a security officer at a MRT station asking to check my drums double pedals bag. When I opened it up for him to check, the fella gave me a blank stare and asked "what is this?"

I explained that those are pedals for drums. The fella gave me a blank stare again, I closed the bag and left, feeling a little amused by it. *shrugs*
one time i kena stop cos of my pedalcase also lol,

then the auntie ask what's this, den i say, press then got funny sound come out one.
haha, i always wanted security people to check my pedalboard, maybe im just too bored, but i never get checked before.. grrr.. ahha, anyway, we should like make transparent pedalboards, everyone around you will be shocked off their balls la.. seeing all the complicated wires and stuff.. ahhaa and also those that know about guitar pedals would be jealous..
i really think i look like a terrorist or something.
i get stopped for security checks like countless of times.
it's pretty frustrating and annoying.
when they keep asking what's for what etc.
i think they need to go for a refresher course and realise that pedalboards aint bombs.
pedalboards and the wires..
look like diy bombs dont they..
xD you press them to make different kinds of explosions..

lets just hope terrorists dont make pedals into bombs.