my first Baybeats was the second one, in 03...that was dangerous, they were covered in spiked attire and the barricades and security checks are a good feature with regards to overall harmless fun.
however, IMO, people who go into the arena and especially the front portion of the area known to be the general mosh area, do so in full knowledge that they're gonna encounter the flying bodies and flailing legs of bodysurfers and people knocking into them while moshing.
I personally don't find anything wrong with it; different people have different ways of having fun. Like I said, it's harmless fun and I also think people need to consider the general morale of the other people too. It's distracting to see some joker in a yellow vest keep coming through the crowd to drag somebody out and for a lot of times, it was just cos of the fella jumping. It makes other people wonder if the same is going to happen to them for enjoying themselves, and what you get is a very subdued (and puzzled) crowd. And it also affects the morale of the band on stage when they keep seeing their mosh pit get thinned out and the crowd get less enthu.