Security at baybeats


New member
hey... i'm very very curious... as last sat was my first visit to baybeats... i was wondering why security was so tight... once people had some fun, the "cisco" guards stepped in to stop it...and another note, why is body surfing not allowed? i noe its dangerous, but this is real music, this is how people enjoy... why ban it?
u shld hav seen the very first baybeats. Its damn chaotic.. punks,skinheads all the shits go there just to wreck havoc.. what u seen on ur first time is just nothing.
welcome to the moshpit my friend. you want to see how it would be like with security that wasn't that tight? at mosaic earlier this year, there was a skinhead bodysurfing. another skinhead just pulled him down to the ground and kicked him. then continued skanking/dancing/moshing. which eventually lead to 2 separate groups of skinheads leaving the plaace to settle some stuff. after the suns, GSC played. which was thankful for the security guards, if choo don't want yo head buss.
If security can't tell the difference between crazy assed skins and harmless fun from teens then what the hell are they doing as security???
detroit_red said:
If security can't tell the difference between crazy assed skins and harmless fun from teens then what the hell are they doing as security???

hundreds of kids, all moving. pick one. maybe try working as security so you would kmow what i mean.
now now..their's isnt an easy job..its easy to juz comment and the end of the day..everyone is goin hm in one piece..PARTY ON!
my first Baybeats was the second one, in 03...that was dangerous, they were covered in spiked attire and the barricades and security checks are a good feature with regards to overall harmless fun.

however, IMO, people who go into the arena and especially the front portion of the area known to be the general mosh area, do so in full knowledge that they're gonna encounter the flying bodies and flailing legs of bodysurfers and people knocking into them while moshing.

I personally don't find anything wrong with it; different people have different ways of having fun. Like I said, it's harmless fun and I also think people need to consider the general morale of the other people too. It's distracting to see some joker in a yellow vest keep coming through the crowd to drag somebody out and for a lot of times, it was just cos of the fella jumping. It makes other people wonder if the same is going to happen to them for enjoying themselves, and what you get is a very subdued (and puzzled) crowd. And it also affects the morale of the band on stage when they keep seeing their mosh pit get thinned out and the crowd get less enthu.
haha... really an eye opener for a noob like me... it was really fun though, was there really a fight? heard a few people got injured
I was there fromt start till end for all 3 days.

In my opinion, the security guards should have not have used so much force when they wanted to pull the kids out. They also instigated more resentment amongst the audience than solved anything.

One incident stuck out like a sore thumb to me.
This one kid climbed past the front row barracade. He then just started going like "Yay! Look at me!" Then, this idiot of a security guard immedaitely ran towards him, jumped at this waist and threw the kid to the ground with his head almost hitting the metal barracade. i mean like... WTF?! He should have just pointed at kid and lead him out with a stern warning. I am pretty sure sure that kid would have complied.

There are many more stupid and uncalled for incidents. Ask any band who played at the area (since they can see from an ariel view). Mad lah.

Sure, some idiots in the crowd did deserve the wrestling moves security placed them under, but for most of the time, the way security handled the situation was laregly uncalled for.

Even the organisers and bands were not too happy.


seriously, i find them a nuisance. y come to gigs where u just want to find fault and whip someones a**. I find these cultures a bit too stupid and those ppl who follows these culture "blind" and "short-sighted". These punks should dress up and be thrown out from a plane somewhere in urban Detroit, where u'll be shot right in ur a**.

5stringedsoul said:
to prevent potential lawsuits against esplanade.

Best reply on the thread.

Its idiots who mosh then get mad and 'go outside to settle things' that cause shit like these.

You should see melbourne hardcore. Singapore is a conservative nation, thats why you get myopic people like yellowstrat with his silly comments, and why we need security guards. =/

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