Scratch removal

that looks like a scar or stain is it really a crack? i dun think you can fix it up nicely but ...hmm..why not keep it there its better having the scratch there.. adds history and my opinion..hmm..
yea its a real scratch. not deep enough to warrant refinishing but still not those puny pick scratches. really painful when u see the contrast between the white scratch and the black finish :cry:
look, in my opinion, just leave it and don't get too bothered by them. the more you treat your guitar as a museum piece, the more you'd be restricted to really PLAY and WHACK it. not abusing it, but use it to its full potential. My friend bashes his PRS, it looks really cool with all the battle scars. concentrate on playing dude, maintaining your guitar in its pristine condition would get you nowhere.

It looks like you might be able to buff it out... I'm not sure but bring it down to Malcom (empty71) for a look. I'm sure he can help.

And repulse87... I wouldn't reccomend that to everyone because if you take care of your instrument, you got an instrument that would most likely last for life. No need to get obsessive over an instrument but treat her well. IMO, people who can't be bothered with proper care on their instruments, just reflectly badly on them. ;)
maybe u wanna grab some wax (prolly car wax :D) and try? since u can get rid of minor scratches via car wax on a car, why not on a guitar? lol, read that on one of them international forums, dont know if it'll work though :oops:

disclaimer :: u follo my advice at ur own risk :twisted:

p.s. more scratches + battered guitar = beautiful relic :D
rfseet said:
yea its a real scratch. not deep enough to warrant refinishing but still not those puny pick scratches. really painful when u see the contrast between the white scratch and the black finish :cry:

I know how that feels. You'll always feel that way when a mint guitar gets it's first scratch. But imo, like repulse, i'd say leave it be, UNLESS you intend to sell the guitar someday, then you might wanna do something about it. Otherwise, just use it as it is, gigging instruments rarely stay "mint". Besides, all these small scars, adds to the character of the guitar, tells a story like, hey, "i've been through this and that" :)
Well, i take care of my instruments, I wipe them down and do the necessary things. I emphasize NECESSARY. I don't abuse my guitars, but its had its fair share of dings and scratches which weren't intentional. accidents happen, just take it in your stride and not be too bothered. taking care of the instrument is one thing, bothering about a scratch is not what i consider taking care of the instrument
Hahahaha... Oh yeah, I leave all the battle scars on my guitar. ;)



Sorry sorry, I just had to! 8)
Oh and repulse87, no offense meant brother... ;) Good to know you are not talking abt total indifference to your guitar.
rfseet said:
well, i just brought out my new ibanez for its first gig and someone had to scratch it backstage...anyone knows of the best scratch removal creams etc?

Hmmm... guys, note that these aren't just battle scars so to speak... someone else did it to his guitar.

I'm sure if anyone vandalised your guitar, you wouldn't just take it in your stride and ignore it. If it was done on gigging by yourself, thats a different tale.
ShredCow said:
Oh and repulse87, no offense meant brother... ;) Good to know you are not talking abt total indifference to your guitar.

haha... i love my guitars! i just use them like a professional instrument! its designed to be played, not to be kept mint. no problemo shredcow. glad you understood my point of view. cheers to REALLY playing guitar, not being a museum piece collector!
pooo said:
rfseet said:
yea its a real scratch. not deep enough to warrant refinishing but still not those puny pick scratches. really painful when u see the contrast between the white scratch and the black finish :cry:

I know how that feels. You'll always feel that way when a mint guitar gets it's first scratch. But imo, like repulse, i'd say leave it be, UNLESS you intend to sell the guitar someday, then you might wanna do something about it. Otherwise, just use it as it is, gigging instruments rarely stay "mint". Besides, all these small scars, adds to the character of the guitar, tells a story like, hey, "i've been through this and that" :)

yea i really do intend to sell it someday
hmm ive read from other forums about melting a thin layer of plastic to fix the finish...wonder if that works....
o_O better be careful, don't breath in plastic fumes :D and if u really are gonna do it, post back with results? then we can fix our scratches if we have to :p
Some things should be left to professionals. No point DIY-ing to save a couple of dollars only to make a mistake and worsen everything.

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