Scouting for a drummer for a DNB/Hard Rock/Industrial band.


New member
Head's up drummers.

We're a qroup of five comprising of a lead guitarist, a rhythm guitarist, a bassist and 2 vocalists, one of them being the screamer/effected vocals and also the controller for the electronic elements of the band. The band aims to incorporate drum and bass with hard rock and industrial rock, a fusion between the following bands,

Previous GNR for it's raw energy and attitude
Current GNR for it's extensive use of electronic sounds and samples.
The Prodigy for it's killer synths and killer grooves.
Aphex Twin for it's hit singles like "Come to daddy"
Nine Inch Nails for trent reznor's genius one man creations and industrial rock ideas.

There are other bands that we draw our influences from but those 4 are the primary ones.
For gigs and such, the secondary vocalist will be controlling the electronic/industrial elements and samples. Kinda like the Liam Howlett of the band. We won't disclose that much here but after all's said,

We're looking for a drummer who is interested in the idea being presented above. Only drummers. Preferrably with a furious passion for electronic music, primarily DNB and Dubstep and hard rock as well. We need you for the vision to materialize.

The band is a all out serious venture. All the current members have extensive gig experience previously from starting out Gashaus in the old days to performing at Club DXO for the Deafcon series to the stage of Zouk. The previous band the members were in went defunct after National service called. Now 2 yrs later, national service is over and 2 of the members are studying audio engineering to realize the vision, so you can understand we need a drummer with commitment.

All the members of the band except the rhythm guitarist is extensively tattooed. Just in case you're okay with everything cept the tattoos :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this. and do PM me if you're interested. Peace.