I want a Happy Schecter Family too.
And yeah, i hve no $$$ too.
So if anyway is willing to sell theirs, let me know!
Ikan: and i thought i was the only one who's obsessed with schecter. I even drew a Schecter logo on my EZ link card. LOL
Also, how did you get the merch?? I tried but they wouldnt ship thos in singapore.
Ikan: Schecter freak. Haha. I just drew the Schecter logo on my EZ link card. And Schecter Omen wallpaper on my computer. I draw Schecter everywhere!!
Any anyway, why no more Schecter photos everyone????
You mean you can draw Schecter's crest as per my avatar? That would be f**king cool! Mind showing us your masterpiece(s)?![]()
Okay, here are some of the stuff i draw on.
Well, I don't draw directly on the items.
I sketched the logo on a white sticky label and then overdrew it with marker.
Then I paste the sticker on wherever I like.
I don't know why I can't upload it.
So here's the link instead.
Nothing very professional here.
You can see that I anyhow add the stripes on my ezlink card.
And just the Schecter name at the back of my iPod.
And also I drew another new logo but not sure where to paste it yet.
So I think next I wanna draw on my music room wall (very ambitious huh?), one huge one for my laptop as a skin and also thinking of drawing some on shoes too!
Speaking of Schecter obsession!
a schecter i would like to own.simply irresistable.
Wah. Diamond Series!!
cool cool, you should get it!
Seriously speaking, I never knew Schecter was well-known and there quite a lot of softies who are into it.
Cos majority was like the Gibson-Fender kind.
All hail Schecter!